Office of Grants and Foundation Relations



Departments & Offices

Office of Grants and Foundation Relations

The Antioch University Office of Grants and Foundation Relations is responsible for coordinating grant proposal activity for the entire University. Grants and Foundation Relations staff can provide the resources to help you with obtaining outside funding for your program or project.

Support for Grantseekers

The office’s primary efforts are focused on specific programs and projects identified by the chancellor and campus provosts. For all other programs and projects, the office can provide varying levels of support, based on:

  • Whether the project aligns with university focus areas
  • Whether the project is multi- or single-campus
  • Amount requested from the funder
  • Amount of the project’s entire budget

Grants and Foundation Relations can provide support to help you:

  • Identify and contact funders
  • Develop your proposal and budget
  • Complete all necessary forms for the University and the funding agency
  • Obtain internal approvals for your project and proposal
  • Submit your proposal

Feel free to contact the Grants and Foundation Relations Office to talk about your project and how we can help locate funding for it.

Grants and Foundation Relations Process and Procedures

These presentations provide information about the process and procedures for developing, reviewing, and submitting proposals and for grant stewardship.

Helpful Hints for Effective Proposals

Locating Funding


The University subscribes to SPIN, which compiles information on funding programs from the Federal Register and other sources. It can be accessed from on- or off-campus:

  • Access SPIN from any computer, click on “SPIN” at the top of the page, then click on “Need to create a new profile?” and follow the instructions to create your profile (select “Antioch University” from the institution dropdown list.)


Candid, formerly the Foundation Center, offers a wealth of free information about foundations and their grantmaking as well as self-paced tutorials on a variety of topics and other resources. Go to to get started. Resources include (login is required to access some of these resources – it’s free to join):

  • GuideStar foundation profiles.
  • A 990 Finder for researching foundation giving and financial information.
  • An Introduction to Proposal Writing that includes the basic elements of a proposal, dos and don’ts of writing and submitting a proposal, and following up with the funder. They also offer a version of this tutorial in Spanish.
  • An Introduction to Project Budgets that covers the basic components of a budget and other financial documents you may need for a proposal.
  • Webinars for students seeking fellowships, scholarships, or continuing education.