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Information Technology



Departments & Offices

Information Technology

Antioch University's Department of Information Technology provides support and services to empower students, faculty, and staff to accomplish their goals through technology.

Information Technology supports Antioch's departments through academic technology and contributes to the overall institutional effectiveness.

Help and Support

Information Technology Helpdesk

Submit a Helpdesk Ticket

1.866.662.0056 - Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

1.937.769.1226 - International Callers (call charges may apply)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AUDirect?

AUDirect is the launch point from which you can navigate to a wide variety of Antioch services. It is also where you set up your initial password to access Antioch software. You can find AUDirect at

What is Sakai?

Sakai is the name of Antioch University’s online learning management system (LMS). Sakai facilitates Antioch's online course delivery and is used by hundreds of institutions around the world.

The name ‘Sakai’ is a play on the acronym ‘CHEF’, a learning management system on which Sakai is in part based. The name comes from Hiroyuki Sakai, an elite chef best known for his participation in the television show, "Iron Chef".

Sakai has proven so versatile since it was launched by the university in 2008, it has also been adopted by a variety of academic and administrative departments as a resource sharing site, and as a place to share information, enable discussion, and work collaboratively on a variety of projects and activities. Sakai is available through AUDirect or by navigating directly to

How do I contact the IT Helpdesk?

You can contact the Helpdesk anytime at 1-866-662-0056 or through a form in AUDirect, or by navigating to

What is Zoom?

Zoom is a video and audio conferencing tool which makes online meetings and mobile connections easy. The web-conferencing platform provides a high-quality experience that works on a wide range of devices and operating systems including macOS, iOS, Windows, and Android. Antioch University relies on Zoom for the vast majority of its online meeting and webinar needs. Support for Zoom through their website is available here.

All Antioch students and employees receive a Licensed account for their use. Zoom meeting accounts allow for sessions of up to 24 hours duration for up to 300 participants. If you do not automatically receive your invitation to set up a Zoom account using your Antioch email address, please contact the Antioch IT Help Desk. Once you receive your invitation, our Zoom Account Setup guide will help you with getting started.


All Antioch students and employees receive a Licensed account for their use. Zoom meeting accounts allow for sessions of up to 24 hour duration for up to 300 participants. If you do not automatically receive your invitation to set up a Zoom account using your Antioch email address, please contact the Antioch IT Help Desk. Once you receive your invitation, our Zoom Account Setup guide will help you with getting started.

What is myAntioch?

myAntioch, formerly Self Service, is used by the Antioch community to access a wide variety of student and employee-related services and information including tax information, leave information, financial aid statements, a current schedule of courses, narrative evaluations, and much more.  It is accessed through AUDirect.

Spotlight clipart

Service Spotlight

Did you know you can configure the Zoom app to start silently when Windows starts? Open the Zoom app from your desktop and click the Settings icon. On the General tab, check the boxes for 'Start Zoom when I start Windows' and 'Silently start Zoom when I start Windows.' The next time you restart your computer, Zoom will be running in your system tray, ready to access. The added bonus is that you'll already be signed into Zoom before you join meetings.

Related Services

Zoom Webinars, Large Gathering, and Events Planning and Coordination - IT operates special Zoom accounts that can accommodate events with up to 1,000 participants. Allow us to help you with all of your planning, training, and coordination needs to make your event a success. Contact the Zoom administrator for details. 

Academic Technology - The Academic Technology team provides information to help you identify and use the tools available to provide your students with an engaging and fulfilling educational experience.

Disability Support Services Antioch University maintains a Disability Support Services (DSS) Office on each campus and for university-wide programs to coordinate services for students with disabilities. 

Library Services -  Antioch University’s Library is a network of libraries, librarians, and staff supporting students, programs, and research across five campus locations as well as in online and low residency programs.

Office of Institutional Effectiveness - The OIE provides data, analysis, and research to support planning, decision-making, policy formulation, marketing, accreditation, and assessment at the academic and administrative departments of Antioch University.