Consumer Information




General Information

Consumer Information

Consumer Information

Antioch University is a multi-campus, national university system with central system offices in Yellow Springs, OH (  Antioch University has the following campuses and university-wide programs:

University-wide Programs

Antioch University provides here an array of consumer information in support of its regional accreditation, state approvals, participation in federal financial aid programs, and more.  Consumer Information is organized into several categories:

Any questions about this information may be directed to [email protected].


Antioch University has had continuous accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission since 1927.
The Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street
Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604-1413
(800) 621-7440
[email protected]
Also, Antioch University offers academic programs that have been granted programmatic or specialized accreditation. Please visit our Accreditation page for more information.

Student Outcome Data

Student retention and graduation information is provided by academic levels and by race/ethnicity. You may contact [email protected] for questions.

State Approval Disclosures

Antioch University is authorized for operation in the state by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.  It is also approved to operate its physical campuses by these bodies:

California Disclosures

State Authorization

State Authorization Antioch University is a participating institution in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) through the state of Ohio. This is an interstate agreement on distance education from the organization National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). See for more information.

Crime and Safety Reporting

Each year, Antioch University publishes a campus security report for each of its five campuses (Antioch University Los Angeles, Antioch University Midwest, Antioch University New England, Antioch University Santa Barbara, and Antioch University Seattle) in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or the Clery Act. For further information, see

Emergency Notification

Antioch University will send faculty, staff and students short message service (SMS) text messages in the event of an emergency.  Antioch University will also send test messages as part of periodic testing of the emergency notification system.  The service is offered at no charge, but standard text messaging rates may apply, according to individual agreements with wireless service providers.
Community members should ensure their cell phone information is current by posting any changes to AUView.

Student Consumer Complaint Process

On July 1, 2011, the “Program Integrity Rule” amendment of Title IV of the Higher Education Act took effect. One of the requirements of the Program Integrity Rule is that each college or university authorized to offer postsecondary education in one or more States ensure access to a complaint process that will permit student consumers to address the following:

  • alleged violations of State consumer protection laws that include but are not limited to fraud and false advertising;
  • alleged violations of State laws or rules relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions; and
  • complaints relating to the quality of education or other State or accreditation requirements.

Antioch University is committed to full compliance with the Program Integrity Rule and provides the following information about our accreditation and complaint processes to all current and/or prospective students.

Complaint Process

Antioch University students have the right to prompt and impartial consideration of complaints related to their life as students. Antioch University seeks to resolve all student concerns in a timely and effective manner. Student complaints are varied, many of which are addressed in specific policies of the University, as listed below.

University Policies Regarding Student Complaints

Academic Appeal Policy 6.111
Most grievances lodged by students are academic in nature. Academic complaints such as an unfair or inaccurate evaluation of student work, academic warning, probation, and dismissals actions; assessment of satisfactory academic progress; or unfair, inconsistent, or inequitable treatment in an academic program are therefore addressed through the Academic Appeal Policy 6.111
Student Grievance Policy 6.109
Students who believe that they have received unfair, inconsistent, or inequitable treatment regarding non-academic concerns by Antioch University faculty or staff, or who believe that institutional policies pertaining to them have been violated, have the right to submit a complaint of such action under the auspices of the Student Grievance Policy 6.109
Certain specific complaints are not covered under the Student Grievance Policy 6.109, and in such cases, students must file complaints under the processes outlined in the policies outlined below.
Disability Support Services Policy 6.101
Students who believe that the University failed to provide reasonable accommodation for a disability, or who seek information regarding a complaint appeal process, have a right to submit a complaint of such action under the auspices of the Disability Support Services Policy 6.101
Title IX, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy 4.607
Antioch University takes seriously its legal obligation to eliminate behaviors which create a hostile work or academic environment, to prevent their recurrence, and to address their affects. This policy is directed specifically to all forms of unlawful sex discrimination directed at both students and employees, including sexual harassment, gender harassment and sexual misconduct. Complaints of sexual harassment or violations of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1973 must be filed using the process outlined in the Title IX, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy 4.607
Student Conduct Policy 6.103
Antioch University (“university” or “AU”) is committed to building a vibrant and inclusive educational environment that promotes learning and the free exchange of ideas. We seek to allow all students to take full advantage of the university’s academic resources and to develop the full range of their capabilities. Achieving the Antioch mission requires respectful engagement among members of the university community and a shared commitment to protecting the well-being of the community as a whole.
Persons witnessing or experiencing what they believe to be a possible code violation should provide a university official with the information using the process outlined in the Student Conduct Policy 6.103

Student Consumer Complaints

Some student concerns or complaints may pertain to alleged violations of State consumer protection laws such as fraud and false advertising, alleged violations of State laws or rules relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions, and complaints relating to the quality of education or other State or accreditation requirements.
Students should begin with the appropriate offices on the campuses in which they are enrolled. For concerns related to the University as a whole or for concerns that cannot be resolved at the campus level, personnel in the offices listed below can address and resolve most if not all of the questions and concerns student consumers may have:
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at [email protected]

  • Admissions Eligibility & Processes
  • Academic Programs
  • Student Life
  • Accreditation
  • Other Complaints and Concerns

Office of the University Director of Financial Aid at [email protected]

  • Federal and Institutional Student Loans, Grants, Work Study

Office of the University Registrar at [email protected]

  • Academic Records

It is expected that students will fully utilize the University’s administrative policies and procedures to address concerns or complaints in as timely a manner as possible. On occasion, however, a student may believe that these administrative procedures have not adequately addressed concerns identified under the Program Integrity Rule. In those select cases, the following independent resources are available to the student:

  • The Ohio Department of Higher Education is responsible for responding to formal complaints against public, independent non-profit, and proprietary institutions of higher education in Ohio. While the Ohio Department of Higher Education has limited authority over colleges and universities, and cannot offer legal advice or initiate civil court cases, staff will review submitted complaints and work with student complainants and institutions. Information regarding the Ohio Department of Higher Education complaint process, including the required form and information can be found on its website.
  • The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is an independent body responsible for the accreditation of programs offered by Antioch University. The HLC receives complaints from students or other parties. When a complaint raises issues regarding an institution’s ability to meet accreditation criteria, the HLC will forward a copy of the complaint to the institution and request a formal response. Instructions for filing a complaint with the Commission are available on its website.

State Contact Information for Filing Complaints

Pursuant to 34 CFR § 668.43(b) (Code of Federal Regulations), an institution of higher education must “provide students . . . with contact information for filing complaints with its accreditor and with its State approval or licensing entity and any other relevant State official or agency that would appropriately handle the student’s complaint.” Information about the complaint process and contact information for the fifty states is provided here.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Antioch University is committed to the maintenance of an educational and workplace environment in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and will not permit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as part of any of its activities.
The purpose of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities policy is: 1. to maintain learning and working environments free from alcohol and drug abuse; 2. to educate students and employees about the consequences of alcohol and drug abuse; 3. to inform students and employees that Antioch University will not tolerate alcohol and substance abuse in the learning and working environments, and to provide sanctions for violations of the policy; 4. to inform students and employees of the resources available to them to help address alcohol and drug abuse; and 5. to encourage students and employees with alcohol and/or drug abuse issues to get the assistance that they need to resolve those issues.
For more information, please see the Antioch University Policy 4.505 regarding Drug-Free Schools and Communities.

Voter Registration

Antioch University students are encouraged to register to vote and exercise their right to have a voice in democracy.
If you need to register to vote, visit Depending on your state’s voter registration rules, the site can help you:

  • Register online
  • Download the National Mail Voter Registration Form
  • Find guidance for states and territories with different registration procedures

Vaccination Information

Learn about our vaccination policy here.

Disability Support Services

Learn about our disability support services here.

Financial Aid and Cost Information


Antioch University campuses are non-residential. Direct costs are tuition and fees. Additionally, student cost of attendance or budget for financial aid purposes include loan fees, a book allowance, a living expense allowance based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics moderate budgets. Other items may be added with proper documentation such as purchase of a computer, child care, medical and dental expenses not covered by insurance, transportation and car repairs.
See specific campus websites and search on “tuition and fees”, as well as the Financial Aid sections under “cost of attendance”.

College Navigator

Financial Assistance

The Financial Aid Office at each Antioch University campus or program is the primary source for information about federal, state and institutional financial aid. Campus contact information and detailed information about the availability of financial aid, the application process and data regarding aid recipients is available upon request and from the web address listed below.

Financial Aid at Antioch University

Types of Federal Aid Offered at Antioch University

Grants: Federal and State grants are awarded to undergraduate students based on need and income. Grants are considered “gift” aid – they do not need to be repaid.
Federal Pell Grant: Available for Undergraduate students, awarded based on EFC, COA and enrollment status. Students can receive this grant for a maximum of six years, which includes time attending other campuses.
Federal SEOG Grant: Federal grant that need not be repaid for Undergraduate students; based on financial need. This grant is given first consideration to Pell eligible students. Once all Pell eligible students have been awarded, consideration will be given to all other undergraduates students who have unmet need.
State Grants: State grants from California, Ohio and Washington State for Undergraduate students based on financial need. For more information on eligibility and state residency requirements see the individual campus websites.
Teach Grants: Offered at the New England, Midwest and Los Angeles campuses. Through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress created the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program. The program provides grants to students who intend to teach in a specific high-need field in an elementary or secondary school (public or private) that serves students from low-income families.
Federal Work-Study: The Federal Work Study Program provides paid employment possibilities and is awarded to financial aid applicants with the highest level of need, who meet the priority deadline, on a first come, first served basis until the funds are depleted. These funds do not have to be repaid; you can elect to receive a bi-weekly paycheck, or to use the funds to pay down a balance on your student account. If you are awarded work-study, contact the Financial Aid Office for a list of open positions. If you are interested in Federal Work-Study, but you do not see it listed on your award letter, contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss your eligibility. Antioch University has limited work-study funding, so you may request to be added to our wait list. A student who does not secure a position during their first quarter may have work-study removed from their award.
State Work-Study: For Washington State and California residents who are eligible for Federal Work Study, you can gain valuable work experience. Hourly wages vary depending on the position and the employer. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information regarding the SWS program.
Direct Federal Loan: Loans that are part of the Direct Student loan program, which helps students pay part of their educational expenses by borrowing directly from the government. Terms of the loan are covered in greater detail in the required Federal Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note. Loan repayment begins six months after a student graduates, withdraws, or drops below half-time status.
Direct Subsidized Federal Loan (Undergraduate): If you have Unmet Need, a portion of your Direct Loan may be offered as a Subsidized Direct Loan. The federal government pays the interest on subsidized loans while you are enrolled at least half-time.
Direct Unsubsidized Federal Loan: You are not required to have Unmet Need to borrow an unsubsidized loan, but you are responsible for interest that accrues during deferment periods with this loan type.
Federal Parent PLUS Loan: Parents of dependent students may apply for a Parent Plus loan, limited to the cost of attendance minus other financial aid received. Plus loan borrowers cannot have an adverse credit history
Federal Graduate PLUS Loan: A Graduate PLUS loan is an unsubsidized loan for graduate/professional students, limited to the cost of attendance minus other financial aid received. Plus loan borrowers cannot have an adverse credit history.
Alternative Loan: Credit based Alternative/Private loans are an additional way to finance the costs of higher education when federal options are exhausted. They are offered through private lenders whose loans are unassociated with any federal student loan program. Because of this, terms and conditions vary greatly.

Employment Terms

Antioch University participates in the Federal College Work-Study program and receives an annual allocation of funds. Students must be eligible for Federal Financial aid and have met the individual campus deadlines and requirements to be awarded federal college work-study. Awards are made as part of a financial aid package. Generally, hours are limited to 20 hours per week maximum. Students may find more information at individual campus websites. Search on “work-study” or “student employment.”

Disbursement of Financial Aid

All financial aid funds that have been accepted by the student (except Federal Work Study funds, and in some cases, Washington State Aid), are applied toward tuition and fees by the Student Accounts team. If the financial aid amount exceeds the tuition and fees charges, the credit/refund is paid to the student through direct deposit, if established, or a check is mailed to the student’s address on file from the main business office in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Disbursement dates are established by the Campus Financial Aid and Student Accounts teams for each academic term.

Loan Payment Calculators

Loan Payment Calculators may be used by students or potential students to calculate monthly payments under the standard and extended repayment plans, at

National Student Loan Data System

Antioch University submits all Title IV grant and loan data to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). This information will be accessible to authorized agencies, lenders and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system (HEOA 489 amended HEA Sec. 485B).

Satisfactory academic progress standards

Antioch University has satisfactory progress standards that the student must meet to receive financial assistance, and criteria by which a student who has failed to maintain satisfactory progress may re-establish his or her eligibility for financial assistance. Please see the link below for the full policy: Satisfactory Academic Progress

Purchase of Books and Supplies

Students, and Pell Grant eligible students, may utilize Title IV financial aid funds in excess of tuition and fees to purchase books through the online bookstore, MBS Direct using a book voucher. To be eligible for a book voucher the student must have authorized and accepted financial aid that exceeds their student account charges. Students may apply for a book voucher through their campus Student Accounts Office. Textbooks information including ISBN and Retail Price is included in the online registration system each term via AUView.

Entrance and Exit Loan Counseling

Entrance Counseling

Antioch University ensures loan entrance counseling is conducted online at the U.S. Department of Education website before a borrower takes out a loan. Entrance counseling generally includes the following:

  • An explanation of the use of a master promissory note (MPN)
  • Importance of repayment obligation
  • Description of consequences of default
  • Sample repayment schedules
  • Information in reference to a borrower’s rights and responsibilities
  • Other terms and conditions
Exit Counseling

Antioch University ensures loan exit counseling is conducted online at the U.S. Department of Education National Student Loan Database (NSLDS) website when a student completes a program, withdraws from the University or drops to less than half-time. Exit counseling generally includes the following:

  • An explanation of the use of an MPN
  • Importance of repayment obligation
  • Description of consequences of default
  • Sample repayment schedules
  • Information in reference to a borrower’s rights and responsibilities

Refund and Withdrawal

Tuition Credit for Dropped Courses and Withdraw Refund Policies by Location

Financial Aid Repayment on Withdrawal

Recipients of federal aid programs are subject to federal, state and institutional regulations regarding the return of Title IV funds. Students who receive federal financial aid and do not attend any classes will be required to repay all of the funds they have received. Students who withdraw from all their classes prior to completing more than 60% of the term will have their financial aid eligibility recalculated based on the percentage of the term completed and will be required to repay any unearned financial aid they have received.

For financial aid purposes, there are two types of withdrawal: Official and Unofficial;

  • Official Withdrawal – the student leaves the University by dropping all classes for a term
  • Unofficial Withdrawal – the student receives all No Credit (NC) grades due to lack of attendance

At Antioch University, a student’s official withdrawal date is the date the student notifies the Office of the University Registrar. It does not need to be in writing. It can be a written notice (through the student’s official Antioch Gmail account or through a Leave of Absence request) or documented date of conversation. The earliest date that a student notifies the designated office must be used.

When there is a withdrawal without student notification due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, the school will determine the withdrawal date that most accurately reflects when the student ceased academic attendance due to those circumstances beyond the student’s control.

A student’s unofficial withdrawal date is the student’s last date of attendance or last date of academic engagement* which may be earlier than student notification, or the date posted by the instructor indicating the last day of attendance, or the date the student is withdrawn by the University.

*Academic engagement includes:

  • Attending a synchronous class, lecture, field activity or laboratory activity, either physically or online, where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students
  • Submitting an academic assignment
  • Taking an assessment or exam
  • Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction
  • Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution
  • Interacting with an instructor about academic matters

Academic engagement does not include:

  • Logging into an online class or tutorial without any further participation
  • Participating in academic counseling or advisement

A student enrolled in a program offered in modules is considered withdrawn if student does not;

  • Complete all the scheduled days upon which the Title IV aid is awarded in the payment period and does not
  • complete all the requirements for graduations from the program of study,
  • successfully complete a module or combination of modules that include at least 49% of the countable days in the payment period,
  • successfully complete at least half-time status coursework, or
  • provide written confirmation of future attendance in a future module within the same term.

Return of Title IV Funds

Institutions must provide for a “fair and equitable” refund of the largest amount calculated under either the state or institutional refund policy, or the requirements that are applicable by using the Federal Return of Title IV (R2T4) Funds Policy for students who receive Title IV financial aid, whichever is most beneficial to the student.

Students who receive federal financial aid (in the form of a Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant, Direct Stafford, Parent PLUS, and Grad PLUS) and withdraw from their classes are subject to the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy. Federal financial aid regulations have defined that a student who withdraws or stops attending prior to completing 60% of a term has not earned 100% of the federal financial aid that was received.

Return of Title IV Funds are calculated using the federally-defined payment period. For standard credit hour programs, the payment period is the academic term. The percentage of Title IV aid to be returned is equal to the number of calendar days remaining in the term divided by the total number of calendar days in the term. Scheduled breaks of more than four consecutive days are excluded. A student may be required to return a portion of their federal aid that was not earned.

This applies to all students including:

  • Transfer students
  • Re-admitted students
  • Other students in the program.

If a student begins attendance and withdraws before any charges are assessed, an R2T4 calculation is still calculated.

If a student withdraws from classes, then rescinds the withdrawal, and subsequently withdraws again, the original withdrawal date is used unless there is a later, documented last date of attendance.

After grades are posted for the semester, if a student has received non-passing grades due to insufficient attendance, attendance data is requested from the professor of the course to determine the last date of attendance or last date of academic engagement. If dates are not reported by the professor, 50% midpoint date is used. If it is found that the student stopped attending prior to 60% of the term, the R2T4 process is run based on the determined date to calculate the unearned portion of aid. If it is determined that attendance exceeded 60% of the term, 100% of the Title IV aid has been earned and no funds will be returned.

All return of funds are completed within 45 days of the student’s last date of attendance.

The student is required to return the difference between the amount of unearned aid and the amount returned by Antioch University. The student will be billed for the amount the student owes the University resulting from the return of Title IV funds used to cover University charges. If the student (or parent in the case of a Parent PLUS loan) is required to return a portion or all of their loan proceeds, the calculated amount is to be repaid according to the loan’s terms. Students must return only half the amount of grant funds calculated.
Antioch University will offer the student any eligible post-withdrawal loan disbursement within 30 days of the student’s last date of attendance and disburse any loan funds the student accepts within 180 days of the student’s last date of attendance.

Antioch University will disburse any eligible Title IV grant funds a student is due as part of a post-withdrawal disbursement within 45 days of the student’s last date of attendance.
Outside aid will be reduced by the unearned percentage, but not to create a balance owing on the student’s account. Institutional aid will be reduced by the unearned percentage multiplied by the aid program’s percentage of aid as compared to total aid, but not to create a debt balance. If less aid is disbursed than was earned, the student may receive a late disbursement for the difference.
Funds are returned to the following Title IV sources in order of priority:

  1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
  2. Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
  3. Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan
  4. Federal Direct PLUS Loan
  5. Federal Pell Grant
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  7. Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grants
  8. Other Title IV assistance
  9. State Grants
  10. Institutional Aid
  11. Private Aid
  12. Vocational Rehabilitation
  13. Money paid on Student Account
  14. Other

The Financial Aid Office will notify the student of the return calculation and their obligation for returning any additional unearned Title IV aid through their personal and Antioch email addresses on file.

The student is also notified of their change in status and the requirement to complete the Exit Counseling process with links to

The change in enrollment status is completed in the Colleague system by the Registrar and included in the next report to the National Clearinghouse.

Student Records

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

It is the policy of the University, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as amended (“FERPA”) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), to afford certain rights and protections with respect to a student’s education record. Generally, individuals who have attended or currently attend the University as a registered student have a right to inspect and review their education records; the right to seek amendment of those records if they believe them to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights; and the right to privacy with respect to those records.

Grading System

Antioch University takes seriously its ethical obligation to ensure the integrity of all academic records in a manner that accurately reflects student effort and achievement. The information provided below describes Antioch University’s approaching to grading student performance.
Antioch University does not use the traditional grading system used by most academic institutions. At Antioch, students discover a focus on knowledge and learning rather than letter grades. Students receive a written assessment of their work at the end of each class from their instructor.
Antioch University’s transcript list all courses students attempt and whether or not they have received credit for these courses. Students may also request that their narrative assessments accompany their official transcript.
For more information about Antioch University’s grading system and transcript policy, please see the policy below: 5.227 Grading System and Transcript Recording

Transfer Credit Policy

Antioch University has established a transfer credit policy consistent with current and best practices in higher education. The University recognizes that circumstances arise in life that might interrupt enrollment in school and/or that changes in educational and career direction might prompt a student to desire to transfer to another program or institution. The University believes learners should be able to build on past educational experiences, and wishes to extend the benefits of its education to qualified students who have begun their academic study elsewhere. In general, the University welcomes transfer credits that are relevant to the current degree being sought.  For additional information please see

Prior Learning Credit Policy

In higher education, the term “prior learning” most often connotes experiential learning which takes place outside accredited institutional sponsorship. Prior learning credit is university credit that has been granted for this type of learning once it is demonstrated through a portfolio or other documentation process. Antioch University uses this term to distinguish this type of learning from other learning acquired, documented and credited prior to enrollment at Antioch (such as credit earned at regionally accredited institutions, the College Board’s College Level Examination Program, ACE-CAEL American Council on Education, or Council for Adult and Experiential Learning prior learning credit), all of which are addressed in the University policy #5.611 (Transfer Credit).  For additional details please see

Articulation Agreements with other Universities and Colleges

Two + Two Articulation Agreements: Students transferring 60 semester / 90 quarter credits to an Antioch University campus from a two-year institution for continued undergraduate studies.

  • AULA and American Academy of Dramatic Arts
  • AULA and East Los Angeles College
  • AULA and El Camino College
  • AULA and Glendale Community College
  • AULA and Los Angeles City College
  • AULA and Los Angeles Harbor College
  • AULA and Los Angeles Pierce College
  • AULA and Los Angeles Trade Technical College
  • AULA and Los Angeles Valley College
  • AULA and Pasadena City College
  • AULA and Rio Hondo College
  • AULA and Santa Monica College
  • AULA and Theatre of the Arts College for the Contemporary Actor
  • AULA and UCLA Extension
  • AULA and West Los Angeles College
  • AUM and Cincinnati State Community College
  • AUM and Clark State Community College
  • AUM and Sinclair Community College
  • AUM and Southern State Community College
  • AUSB and Allan Hancock College
  • AUSB and Santa Barbara Business College
  • AUSB and Santa Barbara Community College
  • AUSB and Ventura Community College

Three + One Articulation Agreements: Students applying to up to 90 semester credits toward an undergraduate degree.

  • AUM and Clark State Community College
  • AUM and Sinclair Community College
  • AUM and Southern State Community College
  • AUSB and Santa Barbara City College
  • AUSB and Ventura Community College
  • AUSB and Moorpark Community College
  • AUSB and Oxnard Community College

Three + Two Articulation Agreements: Students from a four-year institution complete graduate credits with Antioch University and apply those credits to both their undergraduate and graduate degree.

  • AUNE and Franklin Pierce University

Peer to Peer File Sharing

See Antioch University Policy 8.101 Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Section XII. Copyrighted Material and File Sharing

Academic Calendar

Antioch University offers programs on the quarter, semester, and annual calendars. Each Antioch campus and university-wide program establishes its own specific academic calendar relative to the programs that it offers.

Academic Catalogs

Each campus details its academic programs, student handbook information, degree requirements, policies, and other essential information in its academic catalog


Antioch University welcomes applications from qualified individuals of diverse backgrounds, ages, and work lives who seek a higher education experience guided by the core values of academic excellence, inclusiveness, social justice, experiential learning, and socially engaged citizenship.
Each campus and university-wide program offers comprehensive admission services, including online application processes, admissions counseling, financial aid counseling, and transfer and prior learning credit review.
Antioch University maintains a non-discriminatory admissions policy for persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
For more information about Antioch University’s admission policy.
For more information about specific admissions requirements, please refer to the websites below:

University-wide Programs

Attendance Policy
Antioch University believes that learning is best achieved through dedicated engagement on the part of all students. Regardless of the instructional method, course design or program design, students must meet certain minimum standards of participation and engagement which the university defines as attendance.
See the Antioch University policy 5.615 Attendance

Copyright Policy

Antioch University is committed to supporting the teaching, research, and public service activities of its faculty, students and staff. The university encourages all members of the Antioch community to respect the copyrights of others and to share appropriately their works of authorship with their colleagues and the public. The Copyright Policy is intended to foster excellence and innovation in teaching, research, and service by identifying and protecting the rights of copyright holders and encouraging the fair use of copyrighted works. It is the policy of Antioch University that all faculty, students, and staff must comply with federal copyright law and regulations.
See the Antioch University Policy 5.501 Copyrights

Point of Contact

For consumer information, please contact University Director for Accreditation & Academic Compliance, at [email protected].