AUNE PsyD Student Interest Groups

APA Division 40: Association of Neuropsychology Students in Training (ANST) Interest Group

The ANST Interest Group is an open group for students interested in neuropsychological assessment and neuropsychology. The goal of ANST is to provide information, support, and access to resources to Antioch students interested in studying clinical neuropsychology and securing a neuropsychology practicum or internship. Through group meetings, emails, and the website, Antioch students are provided the opportunity to share and receive knowledge about clinical neuropsychology, assessment, and other brain-related topics not covered by courses at Antioch. For more information, visit our ANST Interest Group website. Student Representatives: Jamie Klugiewicz ([email protected]) and Jennifer Mayette ([email protected]) Faculty Representative: Danielle McEachern-Dugre, PsyD

APA Division 19: Society for Military Psychology Interest Group

We are one of the 30+ campus groups affiliated with Division 19. We work towards increasing students’ awareness of the opportunities within the Department of Defense and VA for psychologists, developing strong leaders for eventual service as psychologists in a variety of settings, and enhancing military cultural awareness in civilian graduate programs with respect to the treatment of current and previous service members and their families.

APA Division 39: Antioch Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology

Affiliated with APA Division 39 Graduate Student Committee, the Antioch Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology hosts open meetings for members of the PsyD community with an interest in psychoanalytic theory, research, integration, education, and practice. We discuss papers, topics from within clinical psychology, research, cases, technique, application to social and cultural analysis, and anything else that is of interest to those who attend. For more information, visit our Antioch Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology website. Student Representatives: Alicia MacDougall and Rebecca Moussa Faculty Representative: Dr. Ted Ellenhorn

The Affinity Group for Racial and Ethnic Equality (AGREE)

The Affinity Group for Racial and Ethnic Equality (AGREE) in the Department of Clinical Psychology is composed of and open to students within and outside the Clinical Department who engage in activism and advocacy activities, as well as those who have a passion for research pertaining to race, ethnicity, culture, and other related topics. Meetings include conversations about racial trauma, white privilege, anti-racism, identity, social class, race, ethnicity, and social justice issues of access, equity, and privilege. Last, AGREE is also focused on raising awareness on the AUNE campus, and, for example, hosts a biannual Multicultural Potluck for all AUNE community members.  AGREE is a student group within the Center for Diversity and Social Justice (DSJ), which focuses on advocacy, activism, and multiculturalism. Research is one form of advocacy that the center focuses on, in addition to community service and outreach. Research activities include literature review, knowledge translation, qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis, writing, publishing, and presenting. Visit the Center for Diversity and Social Justice (DSJ) website.

Faculty Representative: Dr. Katherine Evarts Rice

The Affinity Group for LGBTQ+ Visibility

The Affinity Group for LGBTQ+ visibility in the Clinical Psychology department is composed of Clinical Psychology students. The group focuses on disseminating resources and support to the AUNE community regarding issues of sexual and gender diversity, as well as creating group spaces for conversations about such topics. For example, Hot Tea: LGBTQ+ Topics, is a student-run group for Clinical Psychology students who are interested in discussing topics of sexual and gender diversity with one another. The Affinity Group for LGBTQ+ Visibility also creates bulletin boards and other activities on campus to raise awareness about sexual and gender minority individuals. For example, the group hosts an annual Trans Day of Remembrance event to honor the countless lives lost to anti-trans violence. Last, students and faculty in the Affinity Group for LGBTQ+ Visibility also conduct research regarding minority sexual and gender identities.

Faculty Representative: Dr. Katherine Evarts Rice

The Affinity Group for Climate Justice

The Affinity Group for Climate Justice is an open group for Clinical Psychology students with an interest in engaging in an open dialogue about climate justice. Students meet several times per semester to discuss topics of climate justice, nuclear justice, and the intersections with race and ethnicity. This group provides an opportunity for exploration, conversation, and discovery of the relevant interests that exist among students in the group. Students are encouraged to bring their own ideas to the table regarding the direction of this group, or can just come to engage in the dialogue. The Affinity Group for Climate Justice is currently focusing on discussion, learning, and awareness-raising activities.

Faculty Representative: Dr. Dean Hammer

The Affinity Group for Immigrants and Refugees

The Affinity Group for Immigrants and Refugees is an open group for Clinical Psychology students with an interest in engaging in an open dialogue about the experiences of immigrants and refugees. Students meet several times per semester to discuss topics of clinical work and research with immigrants and refugees, as well as to provide practical support for students who are immigrants and refugees. The Affinity Group for Immigrants and Refugees is currently focusing on discussion, learning, and awareness-raising activities.

Faculty Representative: Dr. Dean Hammer

The Affinity Group for Sexual Assault and Harassment Awareness

The Affinity Group for Sexual Assault and Harassment Awareness (SAHA) is an open group for Clinical Psychology students with an interest in engaging in learning, dialogue, activism, and advocacy related to sexual violence. The current project that students are focused on includes designing and filming vignettes that exemplify subtle instances of sexism and sexual harassment in order to launch discussion with the AUNE campus about such topics. SAHA students have also created interactive bulletin boards to raise awareness and discussion about sexual violence.

Faculty Representative: Dr. Katherine Evarts Rice

Behavioral Health Integration Interest Group

The Behavioral Health Integration student interest group is designed to introduce interested Psy.D. students to the world of integrated behavioral health care, often called Integrated Primary Care. Behavioral health integration combines medical and behavioral health services to more fully address the spectrum of problems that patients bring to primary medical care and other medical settings. The focus of this group, therefore, is to provide students with the opportunity to explore their interest within this rapidly growing field through open discussions with those currently working in the field, practicum, and internship opportunity placement discussions, and much more. For questions about the group, please email Shannon McCleery or email Lauren Zaniboni. Student Representatives: Shannon McCleery and Lauren Zaniboni Faculty Representative: Dr. Nancy Ruddy

Childhood Psychology Interest Group

The Childhood Psychology Interest Group is open to anyone within the PsyD community who is interested in working with children. This group provides students with an environment that allows for discussion, exploration, and enrichment of experiences within the world of child psychology. Through discussions about practicums, Q & A sessions with individuals currently working in the field, fundraising, and any other ideas brought forth by group members, the Childhood Psychology Interest Group provides opportunities for individuals to explore their interest within this fascinating field. Student Representatives: Rebecca Moussa and Morgan Pell Faculty Representative: Dr. Martha Straus