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Antioch University

Resources for Undocumented Students in California



Admission & Aid

Financial Aid

Undocumented Student Resources

Resources for Undocumented Students (Los Angeles & Santa Barbara)

Antioch University has a longstanding tradition of challenging inequities and promoting social change.  In this spirit, Antioch University is committed to supporting undocumented students reach their goals of completing their degree programs successfully, and in obtaining financial aid. Please contact financial aid or admissions, for more information about any of the following:

The California Dream Act

You are eligible to apply for the  California Dream Act if you:

  • Meet the requirements of AB 540 or AB 2000 and/or
  • Reside in California with a U-Visa or
  • Reside in California with a Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

DACA Updates and News
DACA Frequently Asked Questions
DACA Your Right to Work

Financial Aid Resources for Dreamers

Immigration Fees

Mission Asset Fund  This private organization provides zero-interest loans for citizenship and immigration services  fees.


All students are eligible to apply for local scholarships at Antioch University Los Angeles or Antioch University Santa Barbara

California Dream Act

MALDEF Latino Legal Voice for Civil Rights in America

Educators for Fair Consideration Scholarships

Dreamers Roadmap Scholarships

PepsiCo Cesar Chavez Latino Scholarship Fund

USA Scholarships

TheDream.US  National Scholarship provides up to $25,000 in tuition and fees for undergraduates.

Immigrants Rising

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarships

PG&E Scholarships

New Leader Scholarship

10,000 Degrees undergraduate scholarships

Golden Door Scholars Program

East Bay College Fund Scholarship

Chicana/Latina Foundation

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)

United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Scholarships

Legal Resources and Aid

Know your rights.

ACLU Immigrants’ Rights

Recission of DACA

Department of Homeland Security Memorandum on the Recission of DACA
Department of Homeland Security FAQ
National Immigration Law Center
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Administrative Relief Resource Center

Lawyer Referral Services

DACA Contractor Referral List
List of California Pro Bono Legal Service Providers
Immigration Law Help
National Immigration Project

Local Agencies

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles provides free legal service to low-income individuals (Los Angeles)
City of Los Angeles  Provides a list of community-based organizations offering free and low-cost services for Dreamers.
SSG Research and Evaluation Team provides a  list of organizations and resources to help protect and assist Dreamers.

Antioch Announcements

AU Statement of Support
Association of Independent Colleges and University of Ohio (AICUO) Letter of Support