Antioch Society for Psychoanalytic Psych


Completed Psychoanalytically Oriented Dissertations by AUNE students

  • Ayurvedic and Bionian Theories of Thinking: Mental Digestions and the Truth Instinct
    Jenna Labbe-Watson
  • The Relational Interpretation of Dreams: A Book Proposal
    Alicia MacDougall
  • Cultural Constructions of Sexual Relationships between Female Teachers and Male Students
    Tessa Palmer
  • A Human- Raven Affinity: On Merging Nature and the Human Psyche
    Jodi Boos- Blaszyk
  • Mindful Parenting: Promoting Attachment Security and Adaptive Emotion Regulation in Foster Children
    Brian Denietolis
  • Military Martyrdom: Understanding the Motivations for Military Enlistment
    Stephanie Miller
  • What’s Missing?: The Intergenerational Transmission of Hysteria and the Mother-Daughter Dyad
    Sherie Friedrich
  • A Task Analysis of Therapist Metacommunication in Time-limited Dynamic Psychotherapy
    Theodore Austin
  • A Self- Psychological Exploration of Multiple Sclerosis in its Biopsychosocial Context
    Elisabeth Parrott
  • The Impact of a Mental Illness Diagnosis on Identity Development
    Kelly Dvorin
  • Descending into and out of the Maelstrom: Somatic Sensation and the Survivor Therapist
    Rachel Urbano
  • On Writing, Playing, and Self- Experiencing
    Michelle Hagan
  • Winnicott’s “Capacity to be Alone” in Normative and Non-Normative Adolescent Development
    Jennifer Roberts
  • Disappearance and Return: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Past
    Nathaniel Thorn
  • Exploring the Role of Identity Development on Social Networking Web Pages
    Jacqueline Stahl
  • Returning the Self to Professional Psychology
    Scott Markham
  • The Relationship of Teacher, Student, and Content in the Clinical Psychology Classroom
    Hannah Lord
  • How Class Background Influences Negative Countertransference in Outreach Therapy
    Kathryn Patterson
  • Understanding Peritraumatic Dissociation: Evolution- Prepared Dissociation, Tonic Immobility, and Clinical Dissociation
    Laura Halvorsen
  • Wounded Healers in Practice: A Phenomenological Study of Jungian Analysts’ Countertransference Experiences
    Jeffrey Burda
  • Understanding the Changing Landscape of Client Perspectives of Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa
    Jennifer Leslie
  • The Experience of Sibling Death in Childhood:A Qualitative Analysis of Memories
    Katrin Neubacher
  • Clinical Supervision and the Trainee’s Perceptions of Their Ability to Forge Therapeutic Alliance
    Julia Taddonio
  • The Drive to Write: Inside the Writing Lives of Five Fiction Authors
    Emily Fine
  • A Dynamic Exploration into Mentalization Amongst Youth on the Spectrum
    Rosalyn DeVincentis
  • Exploring the Rorschach’s (R-PAS) Capacity to Predict the Quality of the Working Alliance
    Jordan Stewart