Atim Eneida George, PhD

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Atim Eneida George, PhD

A mother of 4 and grandmother of 6 spanning three generational cohorts (i.e., Gen X, Millennials, and Alphans), I am deeply committed to fostering authentic and mutually supportive intergenerational partnerships. A Baby Boomer, I am an Analogue Native, otherwise known as a Digital Immigrant; thus, I am ready and willing to learn from Digital Natives such as my grandchildren, all of whom are members of the Alphan generational cohort having been born in the 21st Century.

Please feel free to call me Dr. G; it is my preference.

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Affiliate Faculty and Mentor

IMA Program

A dedicated lifelong learner, I hold degrees in Speech Communications (BA, cum laude), Black Studies (Ed.M. with distinction), Transpersonal Psychology (MATS) as well as Leadership and Change (MA and PhD). I attended both traditional academic institutions (brick) as well as blended academic programs (click) and successfully completed rigorous scholarly programs in both environments. In February 2020, I published my dissertation entitled Generative Leadership and the Life of Aurelia Erskine Brazeal, a Trailblazing African American Female Foreign Service, thereby realizing my lifelong goal of earning a doctorate.

Art, I have learned, has the power to interrogate the status quo as well as identify paradoxes and imagine alternatives. The classroom, from my perspective, is one site where we can forge and test creative solutions to the problems of poverty, racism, sexism, and the climate crisis, to name a few. Moreover, I see a direct link between the classroom and the community and propose employing my expertise in generative leadership and qualitative research methodologies such as storytelling and other arts-based research methodologies to create exciting, innovative educational opportunities. As a mixed media artist, for example, I use found objects, some doubtless destined for the garbage heap, to design new creative expressions of aesthetic value. Thus, I see education as an alchemical process. I invite you to join me as I explore questions of global import.

My dissertation research, for example, explores the Iroquois’ Great Law of Peace and generativity, or the idea that leaders consider the implications of their decisions for 7 generations. My research revealed that generative leaders embody and exhibit a prosocial disposition, compassion, strategic vision, and clarity of purpose. During the 2020-2021 academic year, I was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California at Santa Barbara’s Center for Black Studies Research. My research project entitled, Black Mothers Matter! explored the intersections of race, mental health, and gender-based violence.

  • George, A.E. (2022). Improving Nigeria’s human development indicators through equal rights for all: The power of scholarly rigor and activist wisdom. In M. B. M. Avoseh (Ed.), Informal, mutual and transformative learning for social justice: Invisible and visible inputs, thesis–anti-thesis–synthesis, Olutoyin Mejiuni’s Valedictory Papers (pp. 181–183). University Press PLC.
  • George, A. E. (2022). Reimagining leadership through lessons from the life of Aurelia Erskine Brazeal. International Journal of Public Leadership.
  • George, Atim Eneida, “Generative Leadership and the Life of Aurelia Erskine Brazeal, a Trailblazing African American Female Foreign Service Officer” (2020). Dissertations & Theses. 549.
  • Invited Online Presenter. Cultivating the Generative Gaze of the Forgotten and the Excluded, Story Lab, National Story Network, March 16, 2023
  • Invited Online Presenter. Thoughts on Leadership, African Innovators’ Conversation, Lagos, Nigeria, June 25, 2022
  • Invited Online Presenter. Reimagining Leadership Through the Generative Gaze of the Forgotten and Excluded, Interactive Roundtable, Women’s Leadership: Identity, Intersectionality & Institutions, International Leadership Association, Reimagining Leadership Together 23rd Global Conference, October 2021.
  • Invited Online Presenter. Respect—Making Your Mess, Your Message: What I Learned About Courageous Truth-telling from Gender-based Violence, Postdoctoral Research, Center for Black Studies Research, University of California at Santa Barbara, May 2021.
  • Invited Online Presenter. Generativity—Keys to Intergenerational Collaboration and Reciprocal Capacity Building, Interactive Roundtable, International Leadership Association, Women and Leadership, June 2020.
  • I was honored with the Distinguished Women’s Advocate Award for my work advancing gender equity in Nigeria
  • I received both Superior and Meritorious Honor Awards for exceptional contributions to the conduct of U.S. Foreign Policy goals in Costa Rica, Mexico, Nigeria, and the State Department in Washington, DC.
  • I was honored with a Chieftaincy title, Yeye Araba, by the late Ooni of Ile Ife, Nigeria.
  • I was awarded an honorary doctorate from Babcock University for my work in Diplomacy and Peace Initiatives.
  • I am a Fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar.
  • I am a member of the first cohort of the University of Denver’s International Career Advancement Program (ICAP).
  • I was the Distinguished Women’s Advocate Award for advocacy work in Nigeria
  • I was nominated by Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz, Jr. for the Congressional Community Service Award.
  • I received numerous Superior and Meritorious Honor Awards for exceptional contributions to U.S. Foreign Policy goals in, inter alia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Nigeria.
  • The American Foreign Service Association granted me the W. Averill Harriman Award for “extraordinary contributions to the practice of diplomacy exemplifying intellectual courage and a zeal for creative accomplishment.”
  • As an IMA Affiliate Faculty member, I designed and delivered a seminar entitled Arts-based Research and Current Events. The Curriculum Committee approved the seminar entitled Creative Expression and Community Resistance for Summer 2023.
  • As a Visiting Fellow at the University of Southern California (USC), I designed and delivered a graduate-level course entitled, Listening to the Echo, examining the impact of the Millennial Generational Cohort on, inter alia, culture, politics, and technological developments.
  • As a Postdoctoral Scholar at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), I designed and delivered Black Women, Intergenerational Trauma, and Healing Seminar under the auspices of Discovery@UCSB.