Dr. Beth Mabry is a Professor of Leadership, Change, and Sociology. Beth’s skills and expertise both complement and contribute to strengthening the curriculum and expanding faculty capacities to serve our students. As a sociologist, Beth brings a social lens to the fundamentally multidisciplinary framing of issues of community and organizational leadership and change. Additionally, she has capacity in both quantitative and qualitative methods, including secondary analysis of large data sets. Of particular interest, her own work examines issues of aging, social policy, and intergenerational relationships, as well as conflict in systems of race, class, gender, and identity. Beth has been teaching graduate and undergraduate courses for over 20 years, with lots of experience chairing dissertations, mentoring doctoral students, and teaching in both on-site and hybrid program models.

Leadership, Change, and Sociology
Graduate School of Leadership & Change
Postdoctoral, University of Southern California, 1999-2002 (Gerontology)
Fellowship, National Institute on Aging, Multidisciplinary Research in Aging Training Program
PhD, Virginia Tech, 1999 (Sociology)
Dissertation: “Social Structure and Anger: Social Psychological Mediators”
MS, Virginia Tech, 1994 (Adult Education)
BS, Virginia Tech, 1987 (Sociology)