Catherine Lounsbury, EdD, LCPC

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Home Faculty Directory Catherine Lounsbury, EdD, LCPC

Cathy Lounsbury, EdD, LCPC is a seasoned counselor, educator, and leader in the study and practice of trauma, wellness, and resilience. Cathy has been a clinical mental health counselor for 30 years working with both children and adults, specializing in those who have experienced trauma.

Currently, Cathy serves as Professor, and Chair,  in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Department at Antioch University New England. In this role, she founded Antioch’s Institute on Wellness, providing consultation and training nationally on the mitigation of secondary traumatic stress to counselors nationwide. She has been instrumental in program development, particularly in the scaling of the regional Clinical Mental Health Counseling program into the online platform and the development of the hybrid Weekend clinical training model.

Within the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Department at Antioch, Cathy has also developed training opportunities for students in trauma-informed, strength-based approaches, including an international clinical training opportunity working with children and teens in Peru.  Additionally, Cathy has provided expertise in psychological trauma and resiliency to multi-disciplinary teams exploring the effect of climate impacts on youth and families and with supporting mental health in Haiti following the earthquake.  As the former Clinical Director of the Maine Psychological Trauma Institute, she has provided consultation, training, and supervision to schools and communities throughout New England on Post-traumatic Stress Management, Fostering Resiliency in Children, Mitigating the Effects of Secondary Traumatic Stress, and Promoting Positive Youth Development.

Cathy believes strongly in building natural resiliency supports for those who have experienced traumatic events.  To this end, she has served on both local and national community trauma response teams following national disasters, terrorism, and other traumatic events and was the founder and director of the IMPACT Team, a youth-focused community trauma team, consulting on 200+ incidents.   Cathy has also advocated for policy and environmental changes to support youth and has led several federal initiatives, including Safe Schools Healthy Students and Grants to Reduce Alcohol Abuse, to create better systems to support youth and families.  To this end, Cathy was able to secure over $7 million in grant funding to support the youth of Maine.

Cathy’s research interests align with her work in trauma, secondary traumatic stress, and social justice advocacy.  Her most recent studies include:  “Exploring the Impact of Self-Care and Career Sustaining Behaviors on Perceived Stress, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Counseling Interns.”, “Perceived Stress and Self-Care in Graduate Students Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic,” and “Developmental Perspectives on Multiculturalism and Social Justice Advocacy Competence in Counselor Education.”


Applied Psychology


Counseling Division

EdD, Counselor Education, University of Maine

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

-William Butler Yeats

Reflecting on my own journey in becoming a counselor educator, I realize that it is a natural extension of my own identity as a clinical counselor. I believe that counseling is a vocation primarily motivated by one’s passion to make the world a better place. In my interactions with the students who seek out Antioch for their Clinical Mental Health Counseling education, I readily recognize that same passion, demonstrated each week by their willingness to fully engage in the learning process while making many personal sacrifices along the way. I believe that as a counselor educator I must continue to nurture my students’ passions for this remarkable vocation while helping them to develop the skills necessary to fulfill that passion.

Within the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program, it is my responsibility to not merely impart a body of knowledge, but to create an environment enabling counseling students to make the transformation to clinical counselors. This transformative learning process involves teaching with an intentional balance of theory, practical application, and self-reflection while nurturing each student’s individual strengths and identifying areas for growth. From a theoretical standpoint, my philosophy aligns most with the constructivist model, highlighting the need for students to create meaning through understanding, reflection, and experience. In practice, this involves using a learner-centered model with multiple teaching methods and opportunities for students to share their perspectives, clinically and personally. In order to create an effective learning environment, however, I believe it is critical to first establish and communicate clear learning goals and course expectations. While I believe that the learning process is a collaborative journey, the “destination” learning goals must be clear to both the students and me. As a teacher, students rightfully expect me to be prepared, organized, and intentional as I approach each course and each class. I devote time at the beginning of each course to establish expectations. Built on this foundation, however, the learning process for each student will be unique (both in style and pace), allowing for each student to create a meaningful connection to the material and an individual expression of understanding.

As a clinical counselor having worked in various settings, I have a variety of real-world examples that I apply to the concepts presented in class. Counseling students are eager to learn about the practical application of theory and the complexities of the mental health delivery system. More importantly, however, is providing ongoing opportunities for students, themselves, to apply the concepts learned to their own conceptualization of cases and development of clinical skills. In counseling, students learn by doing and, thus, the opportunity to practice counseling skills (role plays, supervised practice sessions, observation, peer consultation, and various other skill-development activities) is vital.

As the personhood of the counselor is one of the most powerful determinants of one’s effectiveness, creating opportunities for personal growth and understanding is also imperative to the development of competent counselors. I believe that the counseling classroom should be a vibrant learning community in which students challenge themselves and each other. With this in mind, I provide students with vast amounts of experiential learning opportunities to not only solidify concepts but to also develop greater self-awareness. In order to best understand and meet the individual needs of students, I utilize a developmental model as a guide, paying attention to students’ challenges and triumphs as they navigate their way as developing counselors. Students will undoubtedly vary with regard to their learning styles, motivations, culture, prior coursework, experiences, interpersonal skills, and vulnerabilities. Their fears and anxieties about becoming a counselor will be expressed at different times in different ways. My goal is to meet students where they are in their development as counselors, help them identify and build on their individual strengths and guide them in understanding and reflecting upon their areas for growth. I strive to develop meaningful activities in each class, based on both the identified learning objectives and my perception of the learning needs of the students.

In addition to my role in the classroom, I also have an important presence outside the classroom. Students view their counseling professors as mentors, providing a veteran perspective on everything from professional counseling associations and licensing to maintaining wellness. As a counselor educator, it is my responsibility to not merely “talk the talk” but to actively “walk the walk” of a self-reflective, healthy, engaged counselor. By continuing to expand my own learning and strive for my own self-awareness, I will provide a model for students on what it means to BE a counselor. My interactions with students and with the counseling community as a whole are equally important aspects to my responsibility as a counselor educator. I am excited for the opportunity to share my passion in a meaningful way with the students who come to Antioch; I have no doubt that they will go on to do amazing work in our field!

  • Developmental Perspectives on Multiculturalism and Social Justice Advocacy Competence in Counselor Education
  • Professional Quality of Life and Career-Sustaining Behaviors Among Counseling Interns: Developing Strategies for Mitigating the Effects of Secondary Traumatic Stress
  • Perceived Stress and Self-Care in Graduate Students Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Stalnaker-Shofner, D. M., Lounsbury, C., Collagan, S., Keck, S., & Roberts, R. (under review) Perceived Stress and Self-Care in Graduate Students Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Stalnaker-Shofner, D. M., Lounsbury, C., Collagan, S., Keck, S., & Roberts, R. (under review). Professional quality of life and career-sustaining behaviors among counseling interns: Developing strategies for mitigating the effects of secondary traumatic stress.
  • Lounsbury, C.J. (2006). Risk and Protective Factors of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Crisis Clinicians. (Doctoral Dissertation)

Local, Regional, and National Presentations:

  • Lounsbury, C. J., and Stalnaker-Shofter, D. Wellness For Helping Professionals: Maintaining Hope And Optimism In Chaotic Times. Antioch University Institute On Counselor Wellness. Keene, NH. September 27 – 28, 2018.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Counseling from A Social Justice Lens: Making A Difference In Challenging Times. Antioch University, Keene, NH. June 19, 2018
  • Lounsbury, C. .J. Exploring the Psychological Implications of Climate Impacts Center for Tropical Ecology & Conservation. March 29, 2018.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Ethics of Self Care: Wellness Strategies for Counselors. Catholic Charities Counseling Center, San Antonio, TX. April 7, 2018.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Conference Organizer. Building a Better World Conference. A three-day event at Antioch University focusing on Mindfulness-based Advocacy practices. June 6, 7, and 8, 2017
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Engaging in Difficult Discussions, Counselor Advocacy in Chaotic Times. Building a Better World Conference, Keene, NH. June 7, 2017
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Youth Mental Health First Aid. Keene School Department. Keene, NH. January 30 – February 1, 2017.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. The Ethics of Self Care: Wellness Strategies for Counselors. Site Supervisor Day, Antioch University, Keene, NH. November 15, 2016.
  • Lounsbury, C. J., Careers in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Psychology Career Day. The University of New Hampshire. November 4, 2016.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Psychological Implications of Climate Impacts. Central for Climate Preparedness. Baltimore, MD. April 2, 2016.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Mitigating the Effects of Secondary Traumatic Stress. Counseling Services of Addison County, Middlebury, VT. April 22 – 23, 2016.
  • Andrews, B. and Lounsbury, C. J. Clinical Supervision Intensive Workshop: training for counselors. Antioch University. April 28-29, 2016.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. The Ethics of Self Care: Wellness Strategies for Counselors. Kennedy Donovan Center, Plymouth, MA. May 12, 2016.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. The Ethics of Self Care: Wellness Strategies for Counselors. Brien Community Mental Health Center. Pittsfield, MA. November 20, 2015.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. The Ethics of Self Care: Wellness Strategies for Counselors. Rutland Community Mental Health Center. Rutland, VT. November 11, 2015.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. The Ethics of Self Care: Wellness Strategies for Counselors. Monadnock Family Services. Keene, NH. November 4, 2015
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Psychological First Aid for Disaster Response. Webinar for the Center for Climate Preparedness. Antioch University. October 5, 2015
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Organizer, and Moderator. Trauma Speaker Series. September 2, 2015, October 20, 2015, and November 7, 2015.
  • Andrews, B., Daniels, E. Lounsbury, C. J. Conference Organizers, and Presenters. Institute on Counselor Wellness. May 21 – 22, 2014. Antioch University, Keene, NH
  • Lounsbury, C. J., and Pinette, P. (2008). Bullying and the One Victim Myth. Presented at Maine Counseling Association Annual Conference.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. (2007). Psychological First Aid. Presented at Maine Counseling Association Annual Conference.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. (2006). Creating a Safe School Environment for All Children. Presented at Maine Counseling Association Annual Conference

Presentations and workshops provided to schools and community agencies

  • Lounsbury, C. J. The Resilient Child: Effective Strategies to Foster Resilience in Children.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Creating a Positive School Climate for ALL Children.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Suicide Awareness: Prevention Strategies and Postvention Protocols.
  • Lounsbury, C.J. Culture Change: Building a Positive School Environment
  • Lounsbury, C. J. Social-Emotional Learning for School (or Community) Leaders
  • Macy, R. D., Lounsbury, C. J. Post-Traumatic Stress Management for First Responders.


  • Lounsbury, C. J. (2012). Sustainable Strategies to Address Youth Violence. Presented at National Center for Violence Prevention Annual Conference.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. & Kingston, B. (2009). Developing Partnerships: Who needs to be at the table for lasting community change? Presented at National Center for Violence Prevention Annual Conference.
  • Lounsbury, C. J. (2010). Developing Meaningful Opportunities for Youth Involvement in Community. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Office of Safe and Drug-free Schools.’

Grant Awards, Lead Author:

    • Behavioral Health Workforce And Training Program
    • $283,000 awarded to Antioch University for Practice-based Youth Co-occurring Disorders Initiative
    • Drug-Free Communities Support Program
    • Grants to Reduce Alcohol Abuse
    • Elementary and Secondary Counseling Grant
    • Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools
    • Summer of Service Grant
    • Safe Schools Healthy Students Grant
    • 2006 – present
  • American Counseling Association (ACA)
  • Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
  • North Atlantic Regional Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NARACES)
  • Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ)
  • Association for Specialists In Group Work (ASGW)
  • Foundational Skills of Counseling
  • Treatment Modalities: Creative Approaches to Trauma
  • Crisis and Trauma-informed interventions
  • Group Counseling
  • Advanced Group Facilitation
  • Research and Evaluation
  • Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Counseling Theories
  • Internship I, Internship II, and Internship III
  • Counseling Skills Intensive
  • Fundamentals of Therapeutic Interaction
  • Adventure-based Counseling