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Cheryl Armon, EdD

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Cheryl Armon, EdD

While earning her master’s and doctoral degrees, Cheryl Armon worked closely with Lawrence Kohlberg and Israel Scheffler on research in moral development, democratic education, and reasoning about the meaning of a good human life. While serving as chair of the BA in Liberal Studies Program (1985-91) and founder and chair of the graduate education program (1999-2005), she has designed and implemented various courses, programs, and community interventions that involved the integration of structural-developmental psychology with educational theory, ethical philosophy, research methods, and political analysis. She has published extensively on the subject of ethical and intellectual development. Her hobby is artistic photography.

Professor Emerita

Undergraduate Studies

EdD, Harvard University
MEd in Human Development, Harvard University
BA in Liberal Studies, Antioch University Los Angeles

Armon, C. (2008). Developmental conceptions of the good life. Entry in Encyclopedia of Moral Philosophy and Psychology. University of Nortre Dame Press.

Armon, C. (2006). A Longitudinal study of adult reasoning about the good life. J. Demick (Ed.). Handbook of Adult Development. NY: Plenum.

Armon, C. & Glass-Solomon, S. (2000). Adult development, lifelong learning, and the good life. In M. Miller & S. Cook-Greuter (Eds.). Spirituality, creativity, and transcendence: Paths to integrity and wisdom in the mature self. NY: Ablex Pub. Corp.

Armon, C. (1998). Adult moral development, experience, and education. Journal of Moral Education, Vol. 27, No. 3.

Armon, C. & Dawson, T. (1997). Developmental trajectories in moral reasoning across the lifespan. Journal of Moral Education, Vol. 26, No. 4.

Armon, C., Frankel, E. & Clenard, L. (1996). A Stage Model of Adult Writing Development. Unpublished manuscript. Antioch University Los Angeles, 13274 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292.

Armon, C. (1995). Moral judgment and self-reported moral events in adulthood. Journal of adult development.

Armon, C. (1993). The nature of good work: A longitudinal study. In J. Demick & P. M. Miller (Eds.), Development in the workplace (pp. 21-38). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Armon, C. (1989). Individuality and autonomy in adult ethical reasoning. In M. Commons, J. D. Sinnott, F. A. Richards & C. Armon (Eds.), Adult development: Vol. 1. Comparisons and applications of developmental models (pp. 179-196). New York: Praeger.

Armon, C. (1988). The place of the good in a justice reasoning approach to moral education. Journal of Moral Education, 17(3), 1-27.

Armon, C. (1985). Ideals of the good life: Their role in career education, California Career Education Journal, 2(1).

Armon, C. (1984). Ideals of the good life: A longitudinal/cross-sectional study of evaluative reasoning in children and adults. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA.

Armon, C. (1984). Ideals of the good life and moral judgment: Ethical reasoning across the life span. In M. L. Commons, F. A. Richards, & C. Armon (Eds.), Beyond formal operations: Vol. 1. Late adolescent and adult cognitive development (pp. 357-380). New York: Praeger.

Commons, M. L., Armon, C., Kohlberg, L., Richards, F. A., Grotzer, T. A., & Sinnott, J. D. (Eds.). (1990). Adult Development, Vol. 2. Models and methods in the study of adolescent and adult thought. New York: Praeger.

Commons, M. L., Armon, C., Richards, F. A. Schrader, D. E. with Farrell, E. W., Tappan, M. B., & Bauer, N. F. (1989). A multi-domain study of adult development. Adult Development: Vol. 1. Comparisons and applications of adolescent and adult developmental models (pp. 33-56). New York: Praeger.

Commons, M. L., Sinnott, J. D., Richards, F.A., & Armon, C. (Eds.) (1989). Adult development: Vol. 1. Comparisons and applications of developmental models. New York: Praeger.

Tappan, M., Kohlberg, L., Schrader, D., Higgins, A., Armon, C. & Lei, T. (1987). Heteronomy and autonomy in moral development: two types of moral judgment. In A. Colby & L. Kohlberg (Eds.), The measurement of moral judgment: Vol. 1. (pp. 315-380). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Schrader, D., Tappan, M., Kohlberg, L. & Armon, C. (1985). Coding moral types: Instructions and manual. Unpublished manuscripts available from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Kohlberg L. & Armon, C. (1984). Three models for the study of adult development. In M. Commons, F. Richards & C. Armon (Eds.), Beyond formal operations: Late adolescent and adult cognitive development (pp. 383-394). New York: Praeger.

Commons, M., Richards, F. & Armon, C. (Eds.) (1984). Beyond formal operations: Late adolescent and adult cognitive development. New York: Praeger.

Richards, F. A., Armon, C., & Commons, M. L. (1984). Perspectives on the development of thought in late adolescence and adulthood: An introduction. In M. L. Commons, F. A. Richards, & C. Armon (Eds.), Beyond formal operations: Vol. 1. Late adolescent and adult cognitive development (pp. xiii xxviii). New York: Praeger.

Dissertation of the Year Award, International Association for Moral Development and Education