Dana Waters

Antioch University
Dana Waters

Associate Chair

Psychology Doctorate Program

Core Faculty

School of Applied Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy

  • 1994 – 2000 PsyD, Clinical Psychology (APA Accredited); MA, Counseling Psychology, Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, Illinois
  • 1990 – 1994 BA, Psychology, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois (Summa Cum Laude)
  • 1983 – 1985 AAS, Veterinary Technology, Parkland College, Champaign, Illinois

My work ethic and teaching philosophy call to mind a quote from a football coach at Carroll College in Montana: “Do all the little things right.” –Coach VanDiest. Consistent with this idea, I believe in the importance of attention to detail in all aspects of teaching. It is my goal to be personally available for support and mentoring, to provide individualized attention for each and every student, and to actively foster learning within the student-faculty relationship. At the core of my teaching philosophy is the creation of a learning environment that fosters collegiality, mutual respect, and the willingness to engage in exploration of ideas. As such, I place an emphasis on critical and original thinking skills and encourage students to enter into the learning process with curiosity, vigor, and excitement. I afford this through the use of in-class discussions and written assignments in which students have the opportunity to explore multifaceted dimensions of learning through verbal and written communication. Further, I believe in presenting information that is academically rigorous, relevant, and supportive of both classic and contemporary views within the field of psychology. I feel strongly in regard to instilling respect for other students’ views while providing a safe environment that fosters depth of exploration and analysis. I am interested in each student’s ability to utilize class material while developing their own critical and original thinking skills. It is my privilege to watch students transform from individuals who simply consume information to individuals who are capable of formulating and applying their own unique ideas; it is this expansive mindset that fuels my passion for teaching.

Interest Research Group
Autism Spectrum in Women, Veterinary Suicide, Trauma, LGBTQIA issues

  • Waters, D. (Spring, 2024). Bite-Sized Autism 2: A Deeper Dive. WA: Self-published.
  • Waters, D., Barnhart, G., Cowan, J., Randall, C., Wright, L., Zinn, B., & Woehler, L. (2022).
  • Attachment loss and trauma: A descriptive phenomenological analysis of suicidality and depression in veterinarians. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/tra0000544
  • Waters, D. (2021). Bite-Sized Autism. Seattle, WA: Self-published (ISBN: 978-0-578-97788-1).
  • Waters, D., Cowan, J., Barnhart, G., Randall, C., Wright, L., Zinn, B., Woehler, L. (2019). Attachment Loss and Vicarious Trauma: A Descriptive Phenomenological Analysis of Suicidality and Depression in Veterinarians. Poster Session, Division 56 (Trauma) of APA annual conference in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Waters, D. (2018, November). Safezone Training. Provision of Safezone training to MA Family Therapy faculty and staff, Antioch University, Seattle, WA.
  • Waters, D. (2018, January 25). The Power of Music. [Op Ed for Take This]. Retrieved from http://www.takethis.org/2018/01/the-power-of-music/
  • Waters, D., Cowan, J., Randall, C., Wright, L., Zinn, B., Barnhart, G., Woehler, L. (2018). Veterinary Suicide: A Qualitative Analysis of Compassion Stress Injury, Depression and Suicide. Poster presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 34rd annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
  • West, I., Waters, D., Heffner, C., & Cohen-Filipic, J. (2018). Avoiding unhelpful responses: A proposed theoretical measure of readiness to work with transgender clients. Poster presented at American Psychological Association Annual Conference in San Francisco, CA.
  • Waters, D. (2015, January). SafeZone Training Manual. Antioch University, Seattle, WA.
  • Busse, M., Whiteside, D., Hellings, J., Waters, D. (2014). Exploring the Reliability and Component Structure of the Personality Assessment Inventory in a Neuropsychological Population. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, DOI:10.1080/13854046.2013.876100.
  • Waters, D.P. (2010, August). SafeZone Training Manual. Washington School of Professional Psychology, Seattle, WA.
  • Whiteside, D. M., Zimberoff, A., Stroemel, J., Clinton, C., White, C., Diamonti, C., & Waters, D. (2010). Personality constructs on the Personality Assessment Inventory associated with suboptimal cognitive effort. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 24(2), 315-325.
  • Whiteside, D., Mayer, P., & Waters, D. (2009). Relationship between TOMM performance and PAI validity scales in a mixed clinical sample. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 23, 523–533.
  • Waters, D., Westermeyer, J., Schneider, M., & Gralewski, C. (2008). Social adjustment and life-style among abuse-reporting outpatients. Journal of Individual Psychology, 64(1), 55–66.
  • Whiteside, D., Mayer, P., & Waters, D. (2008). Relationship between TOMM performance and PAI validity scales in a mixed clinical sample. Poster presented at American Psychological Association annual meeting in Boston, MA.
  • Waters, D.P. (2000, May). Social adjustment and life-style among abuse-reporting outpatients. Poster presented at Midwestern Psychological Association annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
  • 2015 & 2017: President’s Award for Promotion of Diversity Antioch University, Seattle
  • American Psychological Association (APA):
    • Member, Division 33: Intellectual & Dev. Disorders/Autism Spectrum
    • Member, Division 44: Psychology Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity
    • Member, Division 56: Trauma Psychology
  • American Board of Professional Psychology, Diplomat in Clinical Psychology (ABPP)
  • Washington State Psychological Association (WSPA):
    • Member, Continuing Education Review Committee 2013– 2015
  • World Professional Association for Transgendered Health, Full Professional Member