Fash Farashahi

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Fash Farashahi

Fash Farashahi has worked in the geospatial and technology fields since the late 1990s, and he has seen incredible influence in academic and commercial applications. He has drawn on his professional experience to design and teach GIS courses for Antioch University and the University of New Hampshire Extension Geospatial Technologies Training Center. He is a well-known GIS evangelist and advocate for the integration of locational intelligence in all core education programs.

Since 2002, Fash has worked for the town of Peterborough, NH municipal government, where he started as an Antioch graduate student planning intern. He is the founder and Director of the IT & GIS Department, which oversees all municipal GIS and technology operations, including oversight of Peterborough’s PEG (Public, Education, and Government) TV Station. During his tenure, he has transformed the GIS from just “maps” to an integral part of daily operations, inventory, and asset management for municipal departments. In 2019, he was appointed by the NH Municipal Association as the Municipal Representative to the NH State GIS Committee.

Fash is also the co-founder and a project manager for the Antioch Spatial Analysis Lab (ASAL), which oversees students providing professional GIS services.

Fash Farashahi

Affiliate Faculty

Environmental Studies

Project Manager


[email protected]


Personal Website

  • BA, Geography. James Madison University
  • MS, Resource Management and Administration, Antioch University