Dr. Heather Curl is Core Faculty in Antioch’s MAT, MAEd, UEE, and ARTC programs and previously served as a Lecturer, Posse Mentor and Program Director at Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges. In addition to teaching courses in equity, policy, leadership, change, social studies methods and research, she has experience teaching English and social studies in a number of K-12 educational institutions.
Her primary research interests include social mobility, cultural capital, theories of change and reform, and student and teacher voice. She is also interested in cross-context teacher education and has worked abroad in China, Zambia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, and Haiti to pursue her interests in teacher development in an international context. She served as the Teaching and Curriculum Specialist for Impact Network, a nonprofit organization that builds community schools and supports sustainable teaching in rural Zambia, and received the AERA Education Research Service Project Grant to conduct teacher education research in Zambia. Dr. Curl holds an MSEd and EdD in Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum from The University of Pennsylvania.