Jeff K. Phillips

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Jeff K. Phillips

Jeff Phillips, BA, MA, is a senior fish and wildlife biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service field office in Ventura, California. Mr. Phillips started with the Fish and Wildlife Service under the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) while earning his Master’s degree at the University of California Santa Barbara’s Donald Bren School of Environmental Science & Management in 2004. He was appointed to a full-time Presidential Management Fellowship position upon completion of his Master’s degree in June 2005. Since then, he has worked as an environmental contaminants biologist specializing in natural resource damage assessment and oil spill response for the Ventura field office (2005-2007) and the Pacific Islands field office in Honolulu, Hawaii (2007-2010), then as the geographic division supervisor for the Ventura field office South Coast division (2010-2015), and most recently as the Ventura field office Conservation Banking Coordinator.

From 2005 to 2007 Mr. Phillips was a member of the City of Santa Barbara Creeks Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Program Advisory Committee, appointed as a land use/environmental specialist. The Creeks Committee advises the Santa Barbara city council on an approximately $2 million annual budget devoted to water quality improvement and creek restoration. From 2010 to 2015 Mr. Phillips served on the board of directors for Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, a grassroots non-profit organization whose mission is to protect and restore the Santa Barbara Channel and its watersheds through science-based advocacy, education, field work and enforcement.

Prior to entering graduate school, Mr. Phillips worked as a scientific advisor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IX Emergency Response Office, contracted under the Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team (START). He performed a variety of emergency response duties in the U.S. and abroad, focusing on environmental sampling and reporting. He was honored with a letter of commendation in 2001 for service during the Washington D.C. anthrax attacks.

In 1999 and 2000, Mr. Phillips lived in Argentina to open a satellite office for Artesian Environmental Consultants. While in Buenos Aires, he focused on marketing and startup operations for the company while also executing environmental site assessment and remediation projects throughout the country and becoming fluent in Spanish.

Mr. Phillips received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Conservation with a minor in Environmental, Population and Organismic Biology from the University of Colorado – Boulder in 1994. He has always loved the outdoors and spends his free time surfing, fishing, traveling and hiking with his wife, 7-year old son, and family dogs.

Jeff Phillips

Adjunct Faculty

BA Program