Julie Johnson, PhD specializes in leader/leadership development, the intersection of relational practice and leadership, and leadership and change in complex systems. She holds extensive experience in planning, programming, personnel development and collaboration, organization change, leadership development, ADA compliance and is fluent in American Sign Language.
- PhD in Leadership and Change, Antioch University
- Getty Leadership Institute, Museum Management Institute
- MS in Instructional Technology, Philadelphia University
- MA in Deaf Education, Gallaudet University
- BS in Biology, Dickinson College
Johnson, J.I. and Sobczak, P. (2021). Leadership and Leader Development: Perspectives from Museum and Academic Library Professionals. Curator: The Museum Journal (64)2, 269-295. https://doi.org/10.1111/cura.12409
Johnson, J.I. and Sobczak, P. (in press). Leader Development in the Professions: A Tale of Two Sectors. Curator, The Museum Journal.
Johnson, J.I. (Jul/Aug 2017). The Mentor and the Protégé: What, Who, and How? In ASTC Dimensions. Emily Schuster, ed. Washington, DC: Association of Science-Technology Centers, p. 28.
Johnson, J.I. (Nov/Dec 2013). Learning at and for Work In ASTC Dimensions. Emily Schuster, ed. Washington, DC: Association of Science-Technology Centers, p. 38.
Johnson, Julie I. (2012). Museums, Leadership, and Transfer: An Inquiry into Organizational Supports for Learning Leadership. Dissertations & Theses. 13. https://aura.antioch.edu/etds/13
Johnson, J.I. & Rassweiler, J. L. (2010). Connecting Museum, School and Community: Collaborations for Learning, pp. 65-72 In Fortney, K & Sheppard, B. (eds.) An Alliance of Spirit: Museum and School Partnerships. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums
Johnson, J.I. & Roberts, R.C. (2009). The Practice of Leadership in a Changing Environment In ASTC Dimensions. Carolyn Sutterfield, ed. Washington, DC: Association of Science-Technology Centers, pp. 2-5, 8. Also available online: http://www.astc.org/blog/2010/04/08/the-practice-of-leadership-in-a-changing-environment/
Johnson, J.I. & Ellenbogen, K.M. (May/June 2008). Planning for Family Learning: Research, Evaluation, and Decision-Making In ASTC Dimensions. Carolyn Sutterfield, ed. Washington, DC: Association of Science-Technology Centers, p. 10.
- You as the Instrument of Change: Relational & Inclusive Leadership, AASLH History Leadership Institute, June 10, 2021
- You as the Instrument of Change: Exploring Your Leadership Identity(ies), AASLH History Leadership Institute, June 7, 2021
- Equity, Inclusion, & Broadening Participation & NSF, Stronger Together for the Future of California Girls, California Girls Collaborative, April 2021
- DEAI & Institutional Alignment: More than Checkboxes, University of Cincinnati E&I Summit, March 2021
- Diversity, Equity, Access, & Inclusion – A Systemic Approach, NASA STEM: Better Together for Stakeholder Success! March 2021
- Aligning Institutional DEAI Priorities with Grantmaking Practices, Decadal Survey on Planetary Science and Astrobiology: State of the Profession Writing Group, March 2021
- Working remotely during a crisis: Communicating & Connecting in Meaningful Ways, ASTC Leadership & Diversity Fellows Spring Series, April 2020
- Managing Change, ASTC Leadership & Diversity Fellows Spring Series, June 2018
- Leading from the Middle, AASLH Seminar for Historic Administration, November 2015, 2016, 2017
- Leadership development in Place: Moving from training to practice, International Leadership Association Global Conference, October 2015
- The Journey of Emerging Leadership: Struggles, Successes, and Resources, American Public Gardens Association Annual Conference, June 2015
- American Educational Research Association
- Academy of Human Resource Development
- International Association of Facilitators
- International Coaching Federation
- International Leadership Association