Dr. Harrigan’s current work at Antioch University focuses on Mathematics Curriculum & Instruction, Education & Society, and ELL Education. As a K-12 teacher and teacher leader for more than a decade, she focused on STEM education in variety of urban environments. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in Mathematics and early-childhood education at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and has supervised students in their student-teaching placements. Her past research has focused on Mathematics curricular omission decisions, early-childhood teaching and learning in Mathematics, and the use of Photography in Mathematics education and assessment. She has been a speaker at NCTM National Research Conferences, giving talks on Mathematics assessments and issues of equity in Mathematics teacher education. In addition to her degrees, Dr. Harrigan holds certificates in Criminal Justice and Medical Studies, and PhD minors in STS Studies and Medical History & Bioethics.
Teaching Faculty
Master of Arts in Teaching
School of Education
- PhD, Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wisconsin – Madison
- MS, Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wisconsin – Madison
- BS, Sociology and Psychology, University of Wisconsin – Madison
I am committed to developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of Mathematics in all of my students. It is important for students to be able to use Math to better understand issues of social justice, as well as use Math to help improve those issues. It is a top priority to me that my pre-service students come to see how important issues of equity are throughout all of their work, even (and especially) in Mathematics. I strive to support my students in becoming reflective practitioners, with the hope that they will work to do the same with their students.
Wager A., Graue M., Harrigan K. (2015) Swimming Upstream in a Torrent of Assessment. In: Perry B., MacDonald A., Gervasoni A. (eds) Mathematics and Transition to School. Early Mathematics Learning and Development. Springer, Singapore
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) (TRIO)
- Wisconsin Career Development Association (WCDA)