Laura Eldridge, MEd

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Laura Eldridge, MEd

Laura is an Experienced Educator Program alum from AUNE, who currently teaches as an Adjunct Faculty member in the same department. She is also a Behavior SPecialist at Mount Lebanon Elementary School in Lebanon, NH, where she administers a general education program available to the entire student body. The program, called Cub Care, provides students a place where they can get anything from a friendly hello, to healthy snacks and a place to take a break and play a game, to safe and private place to work through a crisis situation. She will be beginning a Doctoral program with Southern New Hampshire University this year.

Eldridge, Laura

Adjunct Faculty

Education Department

Jan 2017-Dec 2018 Antioch University M.Ed. earned-Foundations of Education with a focus in mindfulness
September 2014-May 2015 Granite State College Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities Certification
January 2011-May 2014 University of NH Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Certification
July 2008-July 2010 Granite State College Special Education Certification
Sept. 2005-June 2007 Lesley University M.Ed. earned-Summa cum Laude Integrated Teaching Through the Arts
September 1999-June 2003 Univ. of MA, Dartmouth BA in Sociology and Elementary Teacher Certification
April 1988-January 1993 Cape Cod Comm. College AS in Early Childhood Education

Behavior Specialist at Mount Lebanon Elementary School

The Developing Mind
Principles and Practices of Mindful Leadership