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Laurien Alexandre, PhD

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Laurien Alexandre, PhD

Dr. Laurien Alexandre is the Dean of Antioch University’s Graduate School of Leadership and Change, a new university division dedicated to preparing scholar-practitioners to lead change that improves the lives of those being served in organizations, workplaces, and communities around the globe.

She first came to Antioch University in 1991 as the Dean of Academic Affairs for the institution’s two Southern California campuses. In 1999, Laurien took a re-assignment with the university to head the design and implementation of the PhD in Leadership and Change. She has proudly served as the founding program director. In 2006, Laurien accepted the promotion to Vice Chancellor of University Academic Affairs, while still retaining her role with the PhD program. In 2013, she chose to step down from the Vice Chancellor position in order to spend more time with the PhD in Leadership and Change Program and its growth in the University-wide Graduate School, with expanded degree and non degree programs.

During her over 30 years in higher education, she has served in leadership roles at Antioch University as well as the Immaculate Heart College Center, an ecumenical institute devoted to research and training on peace, justice and global concerns, where she directed a teaching training (K-16) program on international and multicultural classrooms. She also taught for over 10 years at California State University, Northridge, in the Department of Mass Communications/Journalism where her focus was on graduate courses in media analysis.

She has traveled extensively in Latin America and the Caribbean and is a professional translator. She lives in Los Angeles.

Laurien Alexandr

Dean Emerit

Graduate School of Leadership & Change

  • PhD, 1985, University of California, Irvine, Program  in Comparative Culture, Department of Social Sciences
  • MA,  1979, University of California, Irvine, Program in Comparative Culture, Department of Social Sciences
  • MA, 1976, California State University, Northridge, Department of Journalism
  • BA, 1974, University of California, San Diego, Department of Communication Arts

Recent Chapters and Journal Articles:
Wergin, J.F., & Alexandre, L.A.: “Differentiation and Integration: Managing the Paradox in Doctoral Education.”  In Blessinger, P., and Stockley, D. (Eds) (2016). Emerging Directions for Doctoral Education. London: Emerald Publishing, forthcoming

Holloway, E.L. & Alexandre, L.A. (2012) Crossing Boundaries in Doctoral Education: Relational Learning, Cohort Communities and Dissertation Committees. In Schwartz, H (Ed). (No 131; Fall 2012)  New Directions in Teaching and Learning. Pp 85-98.

Alexandre, L.A.  “Creating safe learning environments” in Hannum, K.M, Booysen, A.E. & McFeeters, B.B. (Eds.). (2010). Facilitators Guide to Understanding and Leading Across Differences: Cases and Perspectives. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

 “Building an Innovative Interdisciplinary PhD Program of Excellence for 21st Century Professionals” with Wergin, J. Paper presentation. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. November 15-17, 2010. Madrid, Spain.

“Leading Integration in a University of Difference.” Panel Presentation. Annual Conference, Higher Learning Commission of North Central Association. April 22, 2007.

“Bridging Theory and Practice.” Panel Presentation. International Leadership Association National Conference. Seattle, November 2002.

“Non-traditional doctoral programs for non-traditional doctoral student success.” Panel presentation. American Association for Higher Education National Conference. Chicago, March 2002.

“Dialogue on Experimentation in Higher Education.” Panel Presentation: American Association of Higher Education National Conference, Washington DC., March 2001.

International Working Group on University Education for Community Change for Antioch University). Ford Foundation,  2007-08. ($200,000)

Technology Innovation Support for Learning Community for Antioch University, Ohio Learning Networks ($6,000)

Member, International Leadership Association