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MeHee Hyun, PhD

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory MeHee Hyun, PhD

MeHee completed her PhD in the Higher Education division at the University of California at Los Angeles with an emphasis on Afro-American Studies. From this experience, she understands well the challenges of being fully engaged as a student while also working full-time. MeHee’s BA in English and MA in Education are also from UCLA.

MeHee has over 20 years of professional work experience in the field of Higher Education, having served at Antioch University in various capacities, including Director of Admissions & Records and Acting Dean of Advancement. She also has had a number of roles in the Office of Executive Education in the Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA, on the UCLA Alumni and Scholarship Advisory Committee, and Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with Schools at UCLA.

As an undergraduate student at UCLA, MeHee was inspired by her outreach work with junior and senior high school students, many of whom were visiting a college campus for the first time. This transformative experience greatly influenced her academic area of study at the graduate level and subsequent career choices.

As part of her faculty role, MeHee also serves as the Prior Learning Coordinator within the Undergraduate Studies program, teaching the Prior Learning Workshop and overseeing the process by which students may be awarded credit for college-level learning that they documented.

MeHee Hyun


Undergraduate Studies


AULA Undergraduate Studies

  • PhD in Higher Education, UCLA
  • MA in Higher Education, UCLA
  • BA in English, UCLA
  • Assessment in higher education
  • General education outcomes
  • Faculty issues in higher education
  • Popular culture
  • Educational Foundations (EDU 380)
  • Social Psychology (PSY 384A/SOC 384A)
  • Prior Learning Workshop (ORN 002)
  • Applied Studies Seminar: Cultural Contexts (APS/BUS 3990A)
  • Applied Studies Seminar: Group Dynamics (APS/BUS 3990B)