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Michael J. Toohey, PhD, ABPP

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Michael J. Toohey, PhD, ABPP

Michael J. Toohey, PhD, ABPP is a clinical psychologist licensed in the state of Washington. He is Board Certified in Behavioral & Cognitive Psychology. He is a supervisor of Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Albert Ellis Institute. His clinical and research interests primarily include conceptualizing and treating emotional disorders such as anger, irritability, and aggression, depression, and anxiety. Some of his other interests include music, exercise, nutrition, and best teaching practices. Dr. Toohey enjoys mentoring and is currently the director of the Anger, Aggression, and Irritability Research Group (ARG).

Michael Toohey headshot

Core Faculty

PsyD Program

School of Applied Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy

  • Supervisor in Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Albert Ellis Institute
  • PhD Clinical Psychology, Hofstra University
  • MA Clinical Psychology, Hofstra University
  • BA Psychology, Music, Boston University

I am proud to say that I have been teaching at AUS since 2016. I generally teach courses on psychological assessment and various challenging scenarios you might encounter in psychotherapy. I am passionate about mentoring and hope students find both professional and personal growth at AUS.

Dr. Toohey is currently the director of the Anger, Aggression, and Irritability Research Group (ARG). This research group involves the examination of the constructs of anger, aggression, and irritability and their cross-cultural differences and similarities. Members do a number of tasks, including creating topics, designing studies, submitting to the IRB, running studies, presenting posters, and writing papers. The group meets for 90 minutes once a week, and individual time working on projects is expected. An interview with Dr. Toohey is required to apply.

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Publications

DeMella, J. M., Sloan, M., Harrison, H., Cheng, I., Scheiderer, C., Carroll, S., Hutzenbiler, A., Bath, M., & Toohey, M. J. (In Press). Exploring the causes, experience, consequences, and treatment of irritability, anger, and aggression amidst the covid-19 pandemic. Minerva Psychiatry.

Toohey, M.J. (2020). Irritability characteristics and parameters in an international sample. Journal of Affective Disorders (Impact Factor:
4.084), 263, 558-567.

Toohey, M.J. & DiGiuseppe, R. (2017). Defining and measuring irritability: Construct clarification and differentiation. Clinical Psychology Review (Impact Factor: 9.577, 5-year Impact factor 11.855), 53, 93-108.

Santanello, A., Toohey, M., Van Orden, O., Soll, M., & Batten, S. (2017). Dispositional anger and experiential avoidance in veterans with PTSD. Journal of Military and Veterans Health, 25(3), 11.

Serafini, K.A., Toohey, M.J., Kiluk, B.D., & Carroll, K.M. (2016). Anger as a predictor of substance use treatment retention among adolescents. Accepted to Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 25(5), 391-398.

Toohey, M.J., Muralidharan, A., Medoff, D., Lucksted, A., & Dixon, L. (2016). Caregiver positive and negative appraisals: Effects of the National Alliance on Mental Illness Family-to-Family intervention. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204(2), 156-159.

Toohey, M.J., Tirnady, R., & McCabe, J., & Kassinove, H. (2015). Underreporting of anger in male probationers. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 55(1), 39-50.

Greeson, J., Toohey, M.J., & Pearce, M.J. (2015). An adapted, four-week mind-body skills group for medical students: reducing stress, increasing mindfulness, and enhancing self- care. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 11(3), 186-192.

Toohey, M.J., Kassinove, H., & Broll-Barone, B. (2011). Furie şi muzică în terapia cognitivă a adolescenţilor: pierdem din vedere un potenţial sprijin în cadrul intervenţiei? (Anger and music in adolescent cognitive therapy: Are we missing a potential aid to intervention?) Revista de Psihologie şcolară/Romanian Journal of School Psychology, 4(7), 7-18.

Book Chapters

Toohey, M. J. (2021). Cognitive behavioral therapy for anger management. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy: Applications (pp. 331–359). American Psychological Association.

Toohey, M.J. (2019). REBT with Anger. In Dryden, W & Bernard, M. REBT with Diverse Client Problems and Populations. NY: Springer.

Kassinove, H. & Toohey, M.J. (2017). Anger. In Wenzel, A.E., The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Kassinove, H. & Toohey, M.J. (2014). Anger management. In Grossman, L. & Walfish, S., Translating Research into Practice. NY: Springer.

Kassinove, H. & Toohey, M.J. (2013). Anger management for offenders: A flexible CBT approach. In Tafrate, R.C. & Mitchell, D., Forensic CBT: A Handbook for Clinical Practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Kassinove, H. & Toohey, M.J. (2011). If you want a real solution, read evolution of a revolution. [Review of the book Evolution of a revolution: Selections from the writings of Albert Ellis, Ph.D.]. PsychCRITIQUES, 56(6), Article 4.

Poster Presentations at National Conferences

Cheng, I. & Toohey, M. (2023).  “You must control your temper!” A CBT Case Conceptualization of “The Beast”. Virtual poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Division 12, Washington, D.C.

Coppock, K. & Toohey, M. (2022). How much do I Hate You? A Critical Analysis on Current Definitions and Measures of Resentment. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Division 43, Minneapolis, MN.

Harrison, H., Wei, Q., & Toohey, M. (2022). Review of Current Definitions of Anger and Aggression in Childhood Disorders. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Division 53, Minneapolis, MN.

DeMella, J.M., Bath, M., Sloan, M.O., & Toohey, M.J. (2019). Irritability Parameters for an International Sample: Evidence for Irritability as a Universal Construct with Significant Differences in Duration by Country and Gender. Bellevue, WA: Washington State Psychological Association.

Martin, A. & Toohey, M.J. (2018). Differentiating Irritability from Anger and Aggression: A Qualitative Examination of the Experience of Irritability. Bellevue, WA: Washington State Psychological Association.

Banning, R. & Toohey, M. J. (2017). Cross-Cultural Differences of State and Trait Irritability by Gender Ethnicity and Age. Bellevue, WA: Washington State Psychological Association.

Arauz, C. & Toohey, M. J. (2017). Differentiating Irritability from Anger and Aggression: An International Qualitative Examination of the Causes of Irritability. Bellevue, WA: Washington State Psychological Association.

Dredze, J. & Toohey, M. J. (2017). Irritability as a Culturally-Sensitive Symptom and Income Disparities. Bedford, PA: Pennsylvania Psychological Association.

Featherstone, C. M., Dredze, J., & Toohey, M.J. (2016). Differentiating Irritability from Anger and Aggression: A Qualitative Examination of the Consequences of Irritability. New York, NY: Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Satchell, A. K. & Toohey, M.J. (2016). A Cross-Cultural Qualitative Examination of the Relationship between Irritability and Anger. New York, NY: Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Dredze, J. M. & Toohey, M. J. (2015). Mindfulness for Irritability: A Cross-Demographic Study. Fitchburg, MA: New England Psychological Association.

Dredze, J. M. & Toohey, M. J. (2015). Assessing mindfulness across country of residence, ethnicity, and religion. Jerusalem, Israel: European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies.

Toohey, M.J. & Kassinove, H. (2014). Effects of Peaceful and Angry Music, and Musical Enjoyment, on Angry Thoughts and Feelings. Philadelphia, PA: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Soto, B.A., Toohey, M.J., & DiGiuseppe, R. (2014). Reevaluating the content validity of irritability measures using naive and expert estimators. Washington DC, MD: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Toohey, M.J. (2014). Irritability: A scientific review. Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland Department of Psychiatry Research Day.

Toohey, M.J., Hasson, J.L., & Block, S. (2013). Differences between public perception and judicial administration of criminal sentencing: Implications for sentencing rates. Dallas, TX: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Toohey, M.J., Tirnady, R., & McCabe, J. (2012). Use of Self-Report in the Assessment of Anger in Probationers. National Harbor, MD: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Sudler, E., Russell, M., & Toohey, M.J. (2012). Facilitating Youth Therapeutic Change: The Dos and Don’ts of Building the Therapeutic Alliance. National Harbor, MD: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Kassinove, H., Nakajima, K., Broll-Barone, B., Stasi, J., Toohey, M.J, & Risola, K. (2010). Acceptability of Psychotherapy Interventions in Adults with Anger Problems. San Diego, CA: American Psychological Association

Toohey, M.J. (2008). Do Children Have the Right to Grow Up in a World of Peace? Boston, MA: Eastern Psychological Association