Piotr Florczyk, PhD, MA, MFA

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Piotr Florczyk, PhD, MA, MFA

Piotr Florczyk (PhD, MA, MFA) is an award-winning poet, scholar, critic, and translator of Polish poetry. His most recent books are From the Annals of Kraków, a volume of poems based on the testimonies of Holocaust survivors, and several volumes of translations, including Building the Barricade by Anna Świrszczyńska, which won the 2017 Found in Translation Award and the 2017 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award.

His poems, translations, essays, and reviews have appeared in The New Yorker, The American Scholar, The Times Literary Supplement, The American Poetry Review, The Hopkins Review, The Threepenny Review, Salmagundi, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Slate, Harvard Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Boston Review, Notre Dame Review, New Orleans Review, Pleiades, The Southern Review, West Branch, The Louisville Review, World Literature Today, The Cincinnati Review, Gargoyle, America Magazine, Poetry International, The Yellow Nib, and other journals and magazines. He is a founding editor of Calypso Editions, a cooperative press dedicated to publishing poetry and prose in translation. His new co-founded press is called Textshop Editions.

Piotr Florczyk has been a fellow at The Wisława Szymborska Foundation, USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research, the Czesław Miłosz Institute, the Polish Book Institute, and the Delaware Division of the Arts, and has taught poetry, translation, and literature undergraduate and graduate courses at Claremont McKenna College, SDSU, University of San Diego, Antioch University Los Angeles, University of Delaware, and at UC Riverside. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Global Literary Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Piotr Florczyk

Affiliate Faculty

MFA in Creative Writing Program


  • From the Annals of Kraków (Spokane, WA: Lynx House Press, 2020)
  • Dwa tysiące słów (Mikołów: Instytut Mikołowski, 2019)
  • East & West: Poems (Sandpoint, ID: Lost Horse Press, 2016)
  • Barefoot (London: Eyewear Publishing, 2015)
  • Cztery pory roku (Nowa Ruda: Mamiko, 2003)
  • Granice (Poznań: WBPiCAK, 2022)

Essay Collections:

  • Los Angeles Sketchbook (with B&W photographs and a poem; New York, NY: Spuyten Duyvil, 2015)
  • Swimming Pool (Object Lessons series, Bloomsbury Academic, 2024)
  • Listy z Los Angeles (Wrocław: Wydawnictwo J, 2023)

Translated Poetry:

  • Invisible, Jacek Gutorow
  • Defense Mechanism, Krzysztof Siwczyk
  • I’m Half of Your Heart: Selected Poems, 1967-2007, Julian Kornhauser
  • My People and Other Poems, Wojciech Bonowicz
  • Building the Barricade, Anna Świrszczyńska
  • The World Shared: Poems, Dariusz Sośnicki [with Boris Dralyuk]
  • The Day He’s Gone: Poems 1990-2013, Paweł Marcinkiewicz
  • Froth: Poems, Jarosław Mikołajewski
  • The Folding Star and Other Poems, Jacek Gutorow
  • Building the Barricade and Other Poems of Anna Swir, Anna Swir
  • Been and Gone: Poems of Julian Kornhauser, Julian Kornhauser
  •  A Calligraphy of Days: Selected Poems by Krzysztof Siwczyk [with Alice-Catherine Carls]
  • Landless Boys: Selected Poems by Jerzy Jarniewicz