Richard Kahn, PhD

Antioch University ,
Home Faculty Directory Richard Kahn, PhD

Richard Kahn is Core Faculty in Education at Antioch University, where he oversees, teaches, and advises for the Master’s in Education, Leadership and Change degree program. He recently completed a three-year term as an elected member of the Executive Council for the American Educational Studies Association, and as a  Board Member of the organization’s prestigious journal, Educational Studies. He serves on numerous other journal editorial boards, and has previously served as Co-Editor of Issues in Teacher Education, for the California Council on Teacher Education;  as Editor of Green Theory and Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy; and as Book Review  Editor for the Journal for Critical Animal Studies (a journal and field he helped to found). He is also the Founding Editor of The International Journal of Illich Studies.

He is the author, co-author, or co-editor of four recent books, including: the award-winning Critical Pedagogy, Ecoliteracy, and Planetary Crisis: The Ecopedagogy  Movement (Peter Lang, 2010), which has received a new Chinese translation in 2013,  and a Korean translation, 2015; Education Out of Bounds: Reimagining Cultural  Studies for a Posthuman Age (Palgrave, 2010), which is blurbed by Michael Hardt and is considered a foundational text in education theorizing the political valences of  posthumanism for pedagogy; The Global Industrial Complex: Systems of Domination  (Lexington Books, 2011), that includes chapters from authors such as Noam Chomsky,  Andrea Smith, Vandana Shiva, Ward Churchill, Carl Boggs, Toby Miller, Cary Nelson,  and Peter McLaren; and Greening the Academy: Ecopedagogy Through the Liberal Arts  (Sense, 2012), that champions the reconstruction of the academy through a  reinvigorated and radicalized educational movement for “humanitas” and which  includes new work from noted figures such as Bill McKibben, David Greenwood,  Timothy Luke, and Greta Gaard. The last two books won AESA Critics Choice Book  Awards in 2013.  

Working primarily within the traditions of critical theory and critical pedagogy, Kahn’s abiding scholarly interest is in researching the history of social movements as pedagogically generative forces in society, especially as they take the form of a  worldwide movement of movements, and then also in critically challenging the role dominant institutions and ideology play in blocking people from teaching and learning in ways that might contribute to the realization of greater planetary freedom,  community peace, and happiness-in-diversity. 

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Core Faculty

Education Department

PhD in Social Sciences and Comparative Education, University of California, Los Angeles
MA in Education, Pepperdine University
MA in Liberal Studies, St. John’s College, Santa Fe
BA in Philosophy, Hobart and William Smith Colleges


• Ecopedagogy: Educating for Sustainability in Schools and Society
– New York: Routledge.
• (with Steven Best, Anthony J. Nocella, II, Peter McLaren, eds.) The Global Industrial Complex: Systems of Domination – Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.[[American Educational Studies Association, Critics Choice Book Award)]
(with Anthony J. Nocella, II, eds.) Greening the Academy: Environmental Studies in an Age of Ecopedagogy – The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.[[American Educational Studies Association, Critics Choice Book Award)]

• (with Tyson Lewis) Education Out of Bounds: Reimagining Cultural Studies for a Posthuman Age – New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
• Critical Pedagogy, Ecoliteracy, and Planetary Crisis: The Ecopedagogy Movement
–New York: Peter Lang Publishers. [[ American Educational Studies Association, 2010 Critics Choice Book Award ]]



• (with Jan Oakley, eds.) “Animality and Environmental Education,” Canadian Journal of EnvironmentalEducation, Vol. 16, No. 1.

• Editor,Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy(Vol. 6, No. 1).

• Editor, Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy (Vol. 5, No. 1).
• (with Boris Kozuh, Anna Kozlowska, Alison Kington, Jasna Mazgon, eds.) The Role of  Theory and Research in Educational Practice – Warsaw, Poland and Grand Forks: Rodn “WOM” Publishers and the College of Education and Human Development, University of North Dakota.
• (with Boris Kozuh, Anna Kozlowska, eds.) The Practical Science of Society – Warsaw, Poland and Grand Forks: Rodn “WOM” Publishers and the College of Education and Human Development, University of North Dakota.

• Editor, Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy (Vol. 4, Nos. 1 & 2).

• (with Boris Kozuh, Anna Kozlowska, and Wilhelm Wolze, eds.) New Paradigms and Methods in Educational and Social Research–Warsaw, Poland: Rodn “WOM” Publishers.
• (with Boris Kozuh, Anna Kozlowska, Peter Krope, eds.)Description and Explanation in Educational and Social Research– Warsaw, Poland: Rodn “WOM” Publishers.



Remembering Francisco Ferrer and the Escuela Moderna – Anarchist Pedagogies, Robert Haworth (ed.), PM Press.
• Education for Sustainability: A Taxonomy of Five Approaches from Education for Sustainable Development to Ecopedagogy
, Sustainability Frontiers: Essays from the Edges of Sustainability Education, Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby (eds.), Routledge.
The Right to Remain Silent: How Authorities Administer and Antagonize Academic Activism – Policing the Campus: U.S. Higher Education and the Culture of Terror, David Gabbard and Anthony J. Nocella II (eds.), Peter Lang Publishers.
Critical Ecopedagogy – Environmental Education Reader, Connie Russell, Justin Dillon, and Mary Breunig (eds.), Peter Lang Publishers.
• For a Multiple-Armed Love: Ecopedagogy for a Posthuman Age
– Critical Pedagogy in the 21st Century, Curry Malott and Brad Porfilio (eds.), Information Age Publishing.
• Technoliteracy at the Sustainability Crossroads: Posing Ecopedagogical Problems for Digital Literacy Frameworks
– Digital Literacy Collection, Peter Trifonas (ed.), Routledge.
Towards an Animal Standpoint: Vegan Education and the Epistemology of Ignorance – Epistemologies of Ignorance and the Studies of Limits in Education, Erik Malewski and Nathalia Jaramillo (eds.), Information Age Publishing.

• Operation Get Fired: A Chronicle of the Academic Repression of Radical Environmentalist and Animal Rights Advocate-Scholars
– Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex, Steven Best, Anthony J. Nocella and Peter McLaren (eds.), AK Press.
Theorizing a New Paradigm of Ecopedagogy Through Teachers’ Emancipatory  Practices– Research of Educational Practice, Boris Kozuh, Anna Kozlowska, Mojca Sebart, Jasna Mazgon (eds.), Poland: Rodn “WOM” Publishers.

Producing Crisis: Green Consumerism as an Ecopedagogical Issue – Critical Pedagogies of Consumption: Living and Learning Beyond the “Shopocalypse”, Jenny Sandlin and Peter McLaren (eds.), Routledge.
• Anarchic Epimetheanism: The Pedagogy of Ivan Illich
– Contemporary Anarchist Studies, Randall Amster, Luis Fernandez, Anthony J. Nocella, II and Abraham Deleon (eds.), Routledge.
• Education as Meat Market: Towards Vegan Action Research
– Practical Science (In Educational and Social Sciences, Boris Kozuh, Richard Kahn, Anna Kozlowska, Alison Kington, Jasna Mazgon (eds.), College of Education and Human Development, University of North Dakota.

• Towards a Marcusian Ecopedagogy
– Marcuse’s Challenge to Education,Douglas Kellner, Tyson Lewis, Clayton Pierce and Daniel Cho (eds.), Rowman & Littlefield.
• (with Douglas Kellner)  Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich: Reconstructing Education with Technology–  Social Justice Education for Teachers: Paulo Freire and the Possible Dream, Carlos Torres and Pedro Noguera (eds.), Sense Publishers.
• Towards Ecopedagogy: Weaving a Broad-based Pedagogy of Liberation for Animals, Nature and the Oppressed People of the Earth –
The Critical Pedagogy Reader (2nd. Ed.), Antonia Darder, Marta Baltodano and Rodolfo Torres (eds.), Routledge (new version of essay).
• (with Douglas Kellner)  Technopolitics, Blogs, and Emergent Media Ecologies: A Critical/Reconstructive Approach–  Small Tech: The Culture of Digital Tools,Byron Hawk, David Riedler and Ollie Oviedo (eds.), University of Minnesota Press.

• Toward a Critique of Paideia and Humanitas: (Mis)Education and the Global Ecological
Crisis –Education in the Era of Globalization, Ilan Gur Ze’ev and Klas Roth (eds.), Springer.
• (with Douglas Kellner) Resisting Globalization – The Blackwell Companion to Globalization, George Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Publishers.
• (with Douglas Kellner)  Technopolitics and Oppositional Media–  The Cybercultures Reader (2nd ed.), David Bell (ed.), Routledge.
• The Potential Disaster of Education for Sustainable Development
–Education and the Politics of Disaster, Kenneth Saltman (ed.), Routledge.
• (with Douglas Kellner)Technopolitics and Radical Democracy – Radical Democracy and the Internet, Lincoln Dahlberg and Eugenia Siapera (eds.), Palgrave.


• Love Hurts: Ecopedagogy Between Avatars and Elegies
– Teachers Education Quarterly.

• Critical Pedagogy Taking the Illich Turn
– The International Journal of Illich Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1.
• (with Jenny Sandlin, David Darts & Kevin Tavin) To Find the Cost of Freedom: Theorizing and Practicing a Critical Pedagogy of Consumption – Journal of Critical Educational Policy Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2.
• (with Brandy Humes) Marching Out From Ultima Thule: Critical Counterstories of  Emancipatory Educators Working at the Intersection of Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Planetary Sustainability– Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 14.
• (with Tyson Lewis) Exopedagogies and the Utopian Imagination: A Case Study in Faery Subcultures – Theory & Event, Vol. 12, No.2.

• Diasporic Counter-Education: The Need to Fertile-Eyes the Field
– Studies in Philosophy and Education. Vol. 27, No. 5.
From Education for Sustainable Development to Ecopedagogy: Sustaining Capitalism or • Sustaining Life? – Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy, Vol. 4, No. 1.

• (with Douglas Kellner)  Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich: Technology, Politics and the Reconstruction of Education–  Policy Futures in Education, Vol. 5, No. 4.

Foundations of Social Justice Education (TEP 536)
Education Research and Inquiry I (TEP 629A)
Education Research and Inquiry II (TEP 629B)