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Rob Fox, MFA

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Rob Fox, MFA

I teach academic writing for AULA in both the graduate and undergraduate programs. I am a creative non-fiction writer specializing in Memoir. I have taught creative self-reflective writing in LA County Juvenile Halls for Insideout Writers for over a decade, and also teach memoir writing to seniors at Emeritus College in Santa Monica. I have been published in the NY Times, LA Weekly, Other Voices Quarterly, and other publications.

Teaching Faculty

Undergraduate Studies

Teaching Faculty

MA in Clinical Psychology

Guest Lecturer

MA in Nonprofit Management

BA in Liberal Studies, Antioch University Los Angeles
MFA in Creative Nonfiction, Antioch University Los Angeles

My call to teaching began with InsideOUT Writers at Central Juvenile Hall in 2004, when I began working with incarcerated youth. In the halls, I became witness to the power of teaching and the ability to change the course of a life in dramatic fashion. I became compelled to teach as a career after my experience inside Juvenile Hall. Written words unlock minds and make new worlds ready for exploration. All one needs is the blank space on the page to do it. As a writer of creative nonfiction, the kids I work with showed me the power self-expression through the written word can bring to an individual.

  • Juvenile justice, true rehabilitation through self-expressive writing
  • Juvenile justice, treatment of teenage sex workers in the LA County juvenile justice system; Do we view teenage female sex workers through a criminal lens or one of mental health?
  • Girls & Gangs Advocacy Project: Promoting Gender–Responsive Services for Girls in the Los Angeles County
  • Juvenile Justice System: A Review of Cross-Agency Collaboration & Promising Practices
  • Topic: Write This Way, October 6, 2015
  • Academic Writing (ENG 359)
  • Style and Argument (ENG 294)
  • Voice and Style (ENG 290)
  • Educational Foundations (EDU 380)