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Ron Kapp, MD, PhD

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Ron Kapp, MD, PhD

Ron Kapp recently joined Antioch University as an adjunct faculty teaching MBA students about the complexity of America’s healthcare system. In his career as both clinician and administrator and has worked as an emergency room physician for over 30 years in more than 25 different hospital systems, he has witnessed the good, the bad, and the ugly of his profession. Having served as the facility medical director for several hospitals throughout his career and also for the National Park Service for 5 years at Yosemite, Dr. Ron has vast experience in healthcare.

Dr. Kapp continues to practice emergency medicine in Dallas, Texas, for the Baylor Healthcare System. He is the author of 6 published books, his most recent being Passion to Live, which describes his adventures in Sardinia, an island of long-lived centenarians. He is well-versed in the field of functional medicine and various wellness modalities and has a passion for studying technological advances that promote an extended lifespan.

He is a member of the American Medical Association and is Board Certified in Forensic Medicine. Dr. Kapp did a post-doctoral fellowship in sports medicine at Albert-Ludwigs Universitat in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany. Ron earned his MD at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston and his PhD at UT-Austin. He received his BS in biology at The Ohio State University. He is also the holder of several Guinness World Records in tennis, his sport of a lifetime.

Dr. Kapp is advocating for a paradigm shift in how medicine is practiced – turning sick care into well care and reactive medicine into proactive medicine and suggests that wellness and longevity are lifestyle-driven. He envisions Wellness Resorts taking a leading role in providing preventive medicine strategies that promote wellness, longevity & optimal human performance.

Ron Kapp, MD, PhD

Adjunct Faculty

Graduate Management Studies