Shanel Robinson, PhD

Antioch University
Home Faculty Directory Shanel Robinson, PhD
Shanel Robinson

Adjunct Faculty

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Certificate in Program Evaluation
M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
B.S. in Health Science
Learning is as an opportunity to grow and develop in areas that meet and fulfill professional and personal goals. I believe each educational experience has purpose; therefore, I utilize the delegator and facilitator approaches to conquer learning objectives. Through teaching, I have an opportunity to expand the minds of students, leading them to be recipients in acquiring and applying counseling knowledge in their own authentic ways. Ultimately. I believe “the purpose of adult education is to help them learn, not to teach them all you know and thus stop them from learning”- Carl Rogers
Purpose of Creating a Culture
Each semester I am met with new faces, personalities and expectations. It is important that prior to pouring knowledge into a classroom, I first seek to understand it, developing the capacity for information to flow productively. I begin the task of mastering the learning culture, as the dynamics change with new students. This involves me getting to know my students both interpersonally and collectively to assess their specific needs. Through the promotion of diversity, autonomy and positive interactions I work to create productive environments for students to be engaged. By establishing the importance of intellectual humility, my hope is for students to accept the differences of others as they embrace those in contrast to their own. Building a supportive environment of learning for all students, is of the utmost importance. It reflects my desire to integrate the needs of each individual student within my classroom. My students change each semester, however, my ability to bring diverse students together to engage in meeting their learning goals is pivotal to the culture I aspire to create.
Purpose of Application
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In order to facilitate a productive learning atmosphere, application must occur for students to truly ingest the materials. I meet my students with openness and motivation, encouraging various methods of engagement to apply their knowledge in everyday life. I utilize real-life scenarios and situations to help students relate and apply concepts of counseling. As a counselor educator, I bid myself with mentoring students to adequately implement course information into practice. This includes identifying areas for growth and development. I place significance on implementing teaching methods such as role-play, case studies and other application-based activities, which model sound and ethical counseling practices. Through use of a variety of teaching methods, display of professionalism and consistent ethical practices my students develop into well-rounded counselors. Use of a grassroots approach allows me to better relate and understand student needs as they develop their identities in their careers. Being involved in both clinical practice and academia affords me the ability to have a deeper understanding of the needs of students throughout the multiple stages of their education.
Purpose of Continued Education
In order to be effective in teaching I must never lose my ability to learn and receive new information. There is no level of mastery that permits one to be deemed an absolute expert for life. Technology, research and practices are continuous; therefore, it is imperative I remain open in my efforts to receive additional scholarship and training. Often times, as an educator, I am viewed as the sole vessel through which material flows; when in fact, I believe a true flow allows for entry of new ideas on a continuum. My hope is through the promotion of feedback from students in evaluations and suggestions, I continue to consider and research concepts that both contribute to and differ from my own. I believe you can only pour into others what you pour into yourself. Viewing oneself as a life-learner shows the capacity to be a sponge that is constantly absorbing information. Displaying the importance of continued education in my approach to students reflects significantly in their ability to be challenged in doing the same.
Refereed Journal Publications
Appling, B., Robinson, S.B., & Jones, R. (Accepted). K-12 School Counselors Utilizing Critical Race Theory to Support the Racial Identity Development and Academic Achievement of African American Males. Professional School Counseling Journal Special Issues.
Calder, C.K., Hunter, E. A., Iarussi, M.M., Brown, A.B., Curry, D.M., & Robinson, S.B., (2018). Knowledge, awareness, and skills: The missing component in multicultural competency training. The Alabama Counseling Association Journal (42) 1.
Day, R. T., Keim, M.A., & Robinson, S.B. (2016). Cognitive- behavioral family therapy. In J. Carlson & S. Dermer (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Marriage, Family, and Couples Counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Non-Refereed Publications
Robinson, S.B. (Summer 2019). Reframing perceptions of millennials: Implications for pedagogical practices. Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Newsletter.
Scholarly Presentations (National)
White, D.M. & Robinson, S.B. & (2020). How policy and poverty impact health in the LGBTQ+ community. Diversity in Mental Health Summit. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
White, Dwayne & Robinson, S.B. (2020). “Use of Storytelling with Black Sexual Minority Youth”. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Conference. Atlanta, Georgia.
Green, M., Robinson, S.B., Tyler, J.M., Ellerman, H. (2019). “Supervising Millennials: Fostering Self-Efficacy and Clinical Development within the Supervisory Alliance”. Association of Counselor Education and Supervision. Seattle, Washington.
Tyler, J.M. & Robinson, S.B. (2019). “An Approach to Supervision of Millennials & Gen-Z’s through Practicum and Internship”. Association of Counselor Education and Supervision. Seattle, Washington.
Robinson, S.B., Bailey, P. & White, D. (September 2019) “Changing the Narrative: Examining the Impact of Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome and Mis-Diagnosis of Black Males”. The Black Mental Health Symposium. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Evans, A.M., Green, D., White, D., Robinson, S.B. & Williams, B. (2019). “Race-
Based Trauma and Cyberbullying: An Exploratory Study”. Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development: Orlando, Florida.
Thomas, C., Brown, A., & Robinson, S.B. (2019). “Higher Education Workplace Micro-Incidents: Using Mindfulness to Cope and Thrive”. The Association of. Blacks in Higher Education. Indianapolis, IN.
Scholarly Presentations (State & Regional)
Brown, A. Robinson, S., & Montgomery, T. (2019). Microaggressions against Black clients in counseling. Alabama Counseling Association Conference (ALCA). Birmingham, AL.
Tuttle, M., Carney, J., Harrel, L., Robinson, S., White, D., & McCadon-Mann, M. (2019). Get the 411 on doctoral programs: applying, surviving, and thriving. Alabama Counseling Association Conference (ALCA). Birmingham, AL.
Brown, A., Robinson, S.B., Montgomery, T. (Proposal Accepted, 2019). “Microaggressions Against Black Clients in Counseling”. Alabama Counseling Association Conference (ALCA). Montgomery, AL.
Tuttle, M., Carney, J., Harrell, L., Robinson, S.B., & White, D., (Proposal Accepted, 2019). “Getting the 411 on Doctoral Programs: Applying, Surviving, and Thriving”. Alabama Counseling Association Conference (ALCA). Montgomery, AL.
Cook, O. J. & Robinson, S.B. (2019). “How Failure Conditions Success: Learning How to Trust the Process”. Alabama Women Student Leaders Conference (ALA-WSL). Montgomery, AL.
White, D. & Robinson, S.B. (2018). “Examining the Effects of Race-Based Trauma on the Reintegration of Incarcerated African American Males Who Committed Non-Violent Crimes”. Alabama Counseling Association Conference (ALCA). Birmingham, AL.
Brown, A. & Robinson, S.B. (2018). Counseling African Americans Using Critical Race Theory and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Alabama Counseling Association Conference (ALCA). Birmingham, AL.
Robinson, S.B. Brown, A., Ellerman, H., Montgomery, T., & Appling, B. (2018). “Exploring “Zero Tolerance” Policies Impact on School-Aged Minority Students: Implications for Counselors”. Alabama Counseling Association Conference (ALCA). Birmingham, AL.
Robinson, S.B., Maki, J., & Stokes, L. (2017). “Advocating for Inclusion of Screenings for Suicidal and Homicidal Ideation on Facebook”. Alabama Counseling Association Conference (ALCA). Mobile, AL.
Invited Presentations/Workshops
Robinson, S.B. & White, D.M. (2021). How to affirm LGBTQ+ youth. Webinar series presented by Counseling and Human Resource Development program at South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. (Virtual).
Tyler, J., Taylor, M., Robinson, S.B., & Harris, L. (2020). “Addressing microaggressions from a trauma-informed perspective in counseling and supervision”. Presented by Auburn University’s Counselor Education Program. (virtual panel).
Robinson, S.B. (2019). “Self-care as a Black Woman: The Good, Bad and Ugly”. Black at the Table, Atlanta, GA.
Robinson, S.B. (2019). “Adolescent Development and Behavioral Health Conditions”. The National Alliance for Mental Illness, Hiram, GA.
Robinson, S.B. (2019). “Race-Based Trauma: Implications for Low Socioeconomic Communities”. Building Rural Alliances through Collaboration and Education Program (BRACE), Trauma Informed Care.
Robinson, S.B. (2018). Listening sessions. Auburn University’s Strategic Planning Committee at the Provost’s Academic Leadership Retreat.
Robinson, S.B. (2018). Speaker on Panel Discussion. Contemporary Issues in Counselor Education Course.
Robinson, S.B. (2018). Guest Lecturer on Emotional Intelligence. Counseling Human Services.
Robinson, S.B. (2018). Speaker on Panel Discussion on Doctoral Student Experiences. Counseling Skills.
Robinson, S.B. (2018). “Impact of Substance Abuse on the Brain”. Building Rural Alliances through Collaboration and Education Program (BRACE), Integrative Care.
Robinson, S.B. (2017). “Loss Grief Cycle of Parents of Children with Disabilities”. Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE).
Invited Creative Contributions to the Field
A. Bevy Radio. How Isolation in COVID-19 has Affected Relationships, Atlanta, GA, Guest Speaker, Spring 2020
Queens of the Move Podcast, “Living with Bipolar Disorder: Misconceptions in Black Communities”, Guest Speaker, Spring 2019
The Theory of Change Podcast, “The School to Prison Pipeline”, Auburn, AL, Guest Speaker, Spring 2019
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Holmes Scholar, Auburn, Chapter 2019-2020. Annually selects doctoral students from historically underrepresented backgrounds who demonstrate academic and professional excellence to be a part of the Holmes Scholar program.
Iota Delta Sigma (IDS) Outstanding Counselor Education Doctoral Student, 2020. Annually selects a doctoral student that has made outstanding contributions to both IDS and the CED program.
The Alabama Counseling Association’s Chapter VII Outstanding Student, Recipient, 2019. Annually selects a doctoral student that have made outstanding contributions in their program.
Alabama Counseling Association Multicultural Division (ALAMCD), Social Media Specialist, 2019-2020 Academic Year
Alabama Counseling Association (ALCA) Chapter VII, Graduate Student Representative, 2018-2019 Academic Year
Alabama Counseling Association Multicultural Division (ALAMCD), Secretary, 2018-2019 Academic Year
Alabama Counseling Association Counselor Education and Supervision Division, Co-Supervisor Liaison, 2018-2019 Academic Year
Iota Delta Sigma (Chapter), Auburn University, Secretary, 2018-2019 Academic Year
NBCC—National Board of Certified Counselors |May 2016- present
American Counseling Association (ACA), Fall 2017- present
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES), Fall 2017- present
Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES), Fall 2017- present
Counseling Children and Adolescents
Counseling Theories
Counseling Diverse Populations
Group Counseling
Practicum: Professional Counseling
Social Cultural Diversity
Counseling Interventions
Introduction to Counseling Practice
Crisis Intervention
Helping Relationships