Dr. Santos Dietz obtained her PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education at North Carolina State University and her MEd in School Counseling from the State University of New York at Buffalo as a Fulbright scholar. She worked as a professor and program coordinator in her home country, Honduras, in their school counseling program at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. She was also an assistant professor in counselor education at East Carolina University. Dr. Santos is a former k-12 educator in Honduras with an elementary school teaching certificate and a bachelor’s degree in education with a major in School Counseling. Dr. Santos has had the privilege of being an international student and international faculty and working on various international education initiatives.
Dr. Santos Dietz is currently working as an Associate professor at Antioch University New England. She is a National Certified Counselor and a Licensed School Counselor in the state of North Carolina. Her research agenda, service efforts, and teaching focus on cultural competence development, diversity, and social justice. She is interested in examining the process of cultural competence development for counselors in training and understanding the impact on that development in diverse counseling settings. She is particularly interested in examining how counselor educators support cultural competence development through local and global initiatives, and how the counseling profession serves historically marginalized populations such as the Latinx communities. Dr. Santos is actively involved in the profession, presently serving as editorial board member for the Professional Counselor Journal and the Journal of School-based Counseling Policy and Evaluation.
Associate Professor
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- PhD, Counseling and Counselor Education 2010 – 2014
- North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
- Dissertation: Cultural competence development through study abroad initiatives: Case study Honduras.
- Specialization Program 2007 – 2008
- International Research Capacity Building Program for Health-Related Professionals to Study the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America. Toronto, Canada.
- Sponsored by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) a unit of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Canadian Government, and the Center for Additions and Mental Health (CAMH).
- *Research project: University students’ perceived norms of peers and drug use: A multicentric study in five Latin American countries
- MEd, School Counseling 2004 – 2006
- State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
- B.S. in Education with a major in School Counseling 1996 – 1999
- Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
- Elementary school teacher certification, high school diploma 1993 – 1995
- Escuela Normal Mixta Pedro Nufio, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
- Dietz, S. S. & Dotson, K. (2021). Women educators’ leadership: Experiences and perceptions of Delta Kappa Gamma members. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators. 87(3), pp. 6-21.
- Avent Harris, J., Dietz, S. S., & Crumb, L. (2019). Relational cultural theory: A guiding framework for study-abroad experiences. Teaching and Supervision in Counseling, 1(2), pp. 113-126. doi: 10.7290/tsc010208
- Dietz, S. S., & Rhodes, C. M. (2019). Culturally responsive practices in educational environments: The power of caring and relationship building. Pp. 70-101. In Daniels, K. & Billingsley. Creating caring and supportive educational environments for meaningful learning. IGI Global. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5748-7.ch004.
- Dietz, S. S., Baker, S. B. (2018). Study abroad as a cultural competence development tool: Case study Honduras. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. doi:10.1007/s10447-018-9348-9
- Stretch, L., & Dietz, S. S. (2019). International registry of counsellor education programs: The first 10 years and what’s next. Session presented at ACES 2019 national conference. Seattle, WA.
- Avent Harris, J., Dietz, S. S., & Crumb, L. (2019). Diversifying study abroad in counselor education: Integrating relational cultural theory as a framework. Session presented at ACES 2019 national conference. Seattle, WA.
- Dietz, S.S., Tovar, L. Z., & Englert, M. K. (2019). The counselor as advocate: Developing a personal plan for increased advocacy involvement. Session presented at the North Carolina Counseling Association 2019 state conference. Durham, North Carolina.
- Dietz, S. S., & Rhodes, C. M. (2019). A case study on the lives of Latino farmworkers in eastern North Carolina. Session presented at the Cross-cultural counseling and education national conference for research, action, and change. Savannah, Georgia.
- Rhodes, C. M., & Dietz, S. S. (2019). Culturally inclusive teaching: Strategies to incorporate LGBTQ adult learners. Session presented at the Cross-cultural counseling and education national conference for research, action, and change. Savannah, Georgia.
- Dietz, S. S., & Vazquez M. (2018). Working with Spanish speaking populations: Cultural competence and helping strategies. Session presented at the SACES 2018 regional conference. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
- Dietz, S. S., & Tovar, L. Z. (2018). How to bridge the language gap: Serving culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Session presented at the North Carolina Counseling Association 2018 state conference. Durham, North Carolina.
- 2018 Community Leadership Award for Research Partnership, Award presented by the association of Mexicans in North Carolina for excellence and dedication to service to the Latino community of North Carolina.
- Diversity and Inclusion Award 2018, Award granted to the College of Education’s Diversity Committee by East Carolina University as part of the Chancellor’s Horizon Awards for Service. Recognition received as co-chair of the diversity committee.
- NCAMCD Division Award for Most Effective Membership Drive/Recruitment 2018, Award given to AMCD by the North Carolina Counseling Association. Received in the position of advocacy co-chair.
- Profiles in Diversity 2016, The Profiles in Diversity recognizes faculty or staff from across the College of Education for their commitment to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice in their life and work.
- American Counseling Association (ACA)
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
- Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES)
- Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD)
- American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
- Chi Sigma Iota Honor Society (CSI)
Antioch University
- Social-Cultural Diversity
- Assessment-Principles & Methods
- Counseling Approaches to Trauma, Grief, and Loss