Home Work at Antioch Teaching Assistant – D. Murray [work study]

Teaching Assistant – D. Murray [work study]

  • Work-Study (AUNE)
  • Remote

Antioch University New England

Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 5/2/2025
Number of Positions: 1
Hours per Week: 5-8
Weekends Required: No
Evenings Required: Every other week in Jan. and Feb. an evening hour on zoom at a day/time of your choice

Supervisor: Dawn Murray

Alternate Supervisor: Amy Roy

This position allows for remote work Yes/No: Yes

Percentage of time that could be remote (0-100%): 100%

Method to assess remote work: Review and comment on student posts, add more information to student posts, grade assignments, keep course page up to date

Job Description

  • Helping faculty to prepare power-points/presentations 1 hr/week
  • Giving a lecture or presentation on an agreed upon topic in the context of the class 1-2 x/weekend (2 total weekends)
  • Virtual attendance at PhD weekends 1/18-1/19, 2/22-2/23
  • Facilitating discussions
  • Giving students feedback
  • Evaluate student work
  • Make curriculum updates
  • Be considered a backup instructor if the faculty member needs to cancel class or arrive late.


  • Must have taken and passed ES 7130 Global Environmental Change

How to Apply: Email Dawn Murray your resume and statement of interest.

Email: [email protected]

Position Type: Work Study

Department: Environmental Studies

To apply for this job email your details to dmurray2@antioch.edu

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