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49 results available.

Abigail Abrash Walton, PhD


Environmental Studies

Cheka Abubakari

Cheka Abubakari


Undergraduate Studies, Bridge Program

Dr. Donna Ackerman

Donna Ackerman, PsyD, LMFT

Adjunct Faculty

MA in Clinical Psychology

addison sheila

Sheila Addison, PhD

Core Faculty

Couple & Family Therapy

Allison Adelman

Dissertation Coordinator

PsyD in Clinical Psychology

Mike Akresh

Michael Akresh, PhD

Core Faculty,Co- Director

Environmental Studies, ASAL

Khalid Ahmed-Al-Fallatah

Khalid Al-Fallatah, PhD

Affiliate Faculty

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Pete Alexander, PhD

Pete Alexander, PhD

Adjunct Faculty

MBA Program

Pia Alexander

Pia Alexander

Teaching Faculty

MA in Couple & Family Therapy

Laurien Alexandr

Laurien Alexandre, PhD

Dean Emerit

Graduate School of Leadership & Change

Debbie Allen, LCSW

Adjunct Faculty

MA in Clinical Psychology

Summer Allen

Summer Allen, PhD

Assistant Professor

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Jill Anon

Adjunct Faculty

Education Department

Katya Apekina, MFA

Katya Apekina

Elective Faculty

MFA in Creative Writing Program

Katya Armistead

Katya Armistead


Women in Leadership

Cheryl Armon, EdD

Professor Emerita

Undergraduate Studies

Grace Arnold headshot

Grace Arnold, PhD

Hope Ashby, PhD

Hope Ashby, PhD

Core Faculty

MA in Clinical Psychology

Anastasia Ashe

Anastasia Ashe, PsyD

Teaching Faculty and Director of New Student Support

Masters of Arts Clinical Psychology Program

Starlin Astacio PhD LMFT

Starlin Astacio, PhD, LMFT

Core Clinical and Academic Faculty

Graduate School of Counseling, Psychology, and Therapy

Andrea Auten, MFA, MA

Adjunct Faculty

Undergraduate Studies

Jeshana Avent-Johnson, PsyD

Jeshana Avent-Johnson, PsyD

Adjunct Faculty

MA in Clinical Psychology

Cheryl R. Azlin

Director of Clinical Training, PsyD Program

School of Applied Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy

Kattie Bachar

Kattie Bachar, MA, LMFT

Adjunct Faculty

MA in Clinical Psychology

Dani Baker, MA, LMFT, ATR

Associate Chair & Teaching Faculty

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Antioch University key tree seal

Emily Baker

Teaching Faculty


Ken Baker

Kenneth Baker, PhD


MBA Program

Angela Banks

Angela Banks

Clinical Faculty

Clinical Mental Health Counseling