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Centers & Institutes

  • Antioch Center for School Renewal

    As the service division of the Department of Education at Antioch University New England, our school coaches, drawn from highly-skilled, experienced K-12 teacher-leaders, consultants, and core university faculty, are part of an educational institution that dates back to Horace Mann and embodies the values of progressive, student-centered education.

  • Antioch Community Therapy Services (ACTS)

  • Antioch Psychological Services Center

    The Psychological Services Center (PSC) is a counseling center serving the Monadnock community and Antioch students. We provide individual, couples, and family counseling to people of all ages, as well as psychological testing and assessment.

  • Antioch Spatial Analysis Lab (ASAL)

  • AULA Counseling Center (AUCC)

  • AUNE Counseling Center

    We offer two choices for counseling, The Couple and Family Therapy Institute and The Psychological Services Center.

  • AUNE Couple & Family Therapy Institute

  • AUNE’s Wellness Institute

    AUNE’s Wellness Institute strives to provide the training and resources necessary to make changes on an individual, agency, and policy level to support wellness for those in the helping professions. Since its inception, our faculty have provided training throughout the US, helping counselors to not only develop individual wellness strategies but also to create organizational changes based on evidence-based practices to support counselor wellness.

  • AUS Community Counseling and Psychology Clinic

    Trained in a variety of clinical psychology and counseling techniques, our student therapists consult with you to identify the best approach for your situation. In partnership with seasoned, licensed psychologists and counselors, the Clinic provides supervised learning opportunities for graduate students, with special attention to understanding multicultural differences.

  • Center for Climate Preparedness & Community Resilience

  • Center for Place-Based Education

    The Center for Place-Based Education promotes learning locally in the natural, built, historic, and cultural environment. Projects and programs encourage partnerships between students, teachers, and community members that strengthen student achievement, community vitality, and a healthy environment.

  • Collaborative Service Initiative

    The CSI is a faculty-supervised capstone opportunity for graduate students to work together on projects for organizations. Student participants provide pro bono consultation services on behalf of clients. Projects can include for example applied ecological or social research, energy and materials management, program evaluation, or other consultative services within the environmental domain.

  • Community Garden Connections

  • Conservation Psychology Institute

    The Conservation Psychology Institute is an interactive workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring their particular organizational challenges to the Institute to provide real-world problems, and specific regional case studies will be included for demonstrations and application exercises.

  • Glover’s Ledge

  • Horatio Colony Nature Preserve

    The Horatio Colony Nature Preserve (HCNP) is a 645-acre parcel of diverse upland forests and wetlands in Keene and Swanzey, New Hampshire, and features five miles of hiking trails, a historic cabin, foundations, numbered interpretive signposts, and a public program series.

  • Institute for International Conservation (IIC)

    We conduct conservation research and service projects with partner organizations, unite students and professionals to grow the next generation of environmental leaders and engage AUNE and the New England community in understanding our global interdependence.

  • Institute of War Stress Injuries, Recovery, & Social Justice

  • Monadnock Ecological Research & Education Project (MERE)

    The Monadnock Ecological Research and Education (MERE) Project was initiated in 2007 by Professor Peter Palmiotto and graduate students in the Environmental Studies Department at Antioch University New England. Through collaborative partnerships with Monadnock State Park, The Monadnock Advisory Commission, The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, Town of Jaffrey, and The Waterman Fund the MERE Project ultimately seeks to promote informed use and foster appreciation of Mount Monadnock through ecological research, monitoring, and educational outreach.

  • Nature Based Leadership Institute

  • Nature-Based Professional Network

  • The Center for Academic Innovation (CAI)

  • The Center for Diversity and Social Justice (DSJ)

  • Whole Terrain