Bridge Program

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The Bridge Program provides University level education for students who may not otherwise have access to higher education.

Each week, Bridge students attend class to begin college, to earn up to 15 transferable units of university credit, and to study philosophy, literature, art history, writing, and urban studies – all free of charge.

The Bridge Program is an important part of AULA’s commitment to economic justice, providing a jumpstart to higher education for students who may not otherwise have access to college. This comes at a time when access to education has become more difficult than in the past.

Since 1999, nearly 700 students have gathered to continue their education, to engage in creative and critical discussion, and ultimately, to broaden horizons of possibility for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Yet Bridge provides more than access to what would otherwise be an expensive education.

  • Many have continued their education after Bridge, completing associate’s degrees, attending university, and even graduate school.
  • Bridge students often begin to affect change in their personal lives, careers, and communities. Many participate more fully in public life, going to museums, studying at libraries, attending poetry readings, concerts, and plays.
  • Some become active in local politics, community organizations, or nonprofits.


Mission & Vision

Bridge creates a community of learners who inspire:

  • Continuous learning
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Civic agency and activism

Resulting in an expanded horizon of possibilities

Antioch University’s Bridge Program changes lives and cultivates educational justice by providing a one-year college credit humanities curriculum at no cost to low-income adults.

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