My Career Planner
We are excited to offer students myCareer Planner, a an innovative, online career-planning site. This powerful tool is accessible to students through their AUDirect login.
myCareer Planner features career planning, networking, and job search tools that can help students leverage educational and professional accomplishments whether they are seeking to enhance an existing career or change careers entirely.
Within this online tool, students can explore on their own a variety of content-rich modules including:
- Assessments and Exercises: Learn how skills, personality and values can influence career choice
- Resume Tools: Receive tips on resume writing, interviewing and social networking
- Career Research: Search for jobs, manage lists of job postings, and research potential employers
- My Organizer: Manage job opportunities, contacts and a job search calendar
- Job Talk: Network and chat with other students at Antioch University who are seeking job opportunities
In addition, students have up to one hour of telephone advising with an experienced career-planning advisor. Whether to help interpret Assessment results, or provide feedback on a resume, the career planning advisor is there to guide and assist.
For more information on career planning services, please contact [email protected].