Student Policies

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As a student at Antioch University, you have certain rights and responsibilities. While you may never need to immerse yourself in many of the policies below, we expect you to familiarize yourself with them. To that end, Antioch University policies are gathered here with a quick overview of the contents and a link for convenient access to the full details.

Individual academic and administrative departments may have operating procedures that are more specific to your campus or academic program. Please also stay informed by referring to any student handbooks or academic program guides.

Which policy applies?

Resolution for different kinds of issues needs to be pursued through the policy most relevant to the problem at hand. Again, this is just a quick guide and the entire policy should be consulted.

PolicyPolicy NameOverview of PolicyPolicy URL
3.233Records Management PolicyThis policy provides information regarding Antioch’s commitment to record security, appropriate access to records, and scheduled record destruction.
4.607Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence PolicyThis policy informs students and employees about the University’s prohibitions of all forms of unlawful sex discrimination involving students and/or employees, including sexual harassment, gender harassment, and sexual misconduct. The policy includes both efforts at prevention and steps to ameliorate the effects of violations.
4.607-A Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence and Sex Discrimination (2020 Regulations)
6.101Disability Support Services PolicyThis policy outlines the steps students must take to request reasonable accommodation for a disability, provides a directory of the staff members on your campus who assist with requests, and a variety of other relevant items. It also includes the process of how to file a grievance related to disability.
6.102Student Academic Rights and FreedomThis policy informs students and faculty of the University’s expectation regarding students’ academic freedom as well as the responsibilities that students accept as members of the academic community.
6.103Student Conduct PolicyThis policy gives students and student organizations general notice of the required standards of conduct, the nature of prohibited behavior, and their rights and responsibilities during a disciplinary process, should the need arise.
6.105Student Academic IntegrityThis policy communicates the University’s standards of student academic integrity, the nature of prohibited behavior, and the protection of students’ rights as well as expectations regarding students’ responsibilities during the disciplinary process. It states expectations about thorough attribution of sources in writing and presentations, avoiding plagiarism, and standards of academic honesty.
6.109Student Grievance PolicyThis policy provides students with a mechanism to address non-academic actions taken by others within the University community about which students believe they have legitimate grounds to grieve.
6.111Academic Appeal PolicyThis policy provides students with a mechanism to address academic actions, taken by the faculty or administration, which students believe they have legitimate grounds to appeal. Complaints related to academic warning, academic probation, academic dismissals, assessment of satisfactory academic progress, or unfair, inconsistent, or inequitable treatment in a program may also be addressed under this policy.
6.119Satisfactory Academic ProgressThe purpose of this policy is to inform students of the University’s expectation regarding the review and assessment of satisfactory academic progress, the relationship of satisfactory academic progress to a student’s eligibility for financial aid, as well as students’ right of appeal.
6.127Student Organizations, Speech and PublicationsThis policy sets forth students’ rights and responsibilities as well as University expectations with regard to the establishment and conduct of student organizations and student publications.
4.505Drug-Free Schools and CommunitiesThe purpose of this policy is to inform students about Antioch University’s commitment to an environment free from alcohol and drug abuse, to educate about consequences of such abuse, including sanctions for violations, and to provide resources and encourage students with abuse issues to get the assistance they need.


For the full set of Antioch University Policies, go to


If you have any questions about policies and their application, please contact your Chief Student Services Officer:

Campus/ProgramChief Student Services OfficerEmail Address
Antioch University Graduate School of Leadership & ChangeKaren Crist
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success
[email protected]
Antioch University Los AngelesSandy Lee
Chief Operations Officer
[email protected]
Antioch University MidwestKaren Crist
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success
[email protected]
Antioch University New EnglandKaren Crist
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success
[email protected]
Antioch University OnlineKaren Crist
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success
[email protected]
Antioch University Santa BarbaraRyan Kasmier
Associate Provost and CSSO
[email protected]
Antioch University SeattleSue Byers
Associate Provost and CSSO
[email protected]
University Title IXSarah Hellyar
TIX Coordinator
[email protected]