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Founded in 1852, our first president – politician, abolitionist, and education reformer – Horace Mann, sought to build an Antioch whose education inspired students to seek a more socially just world. Today’s Antioch remains firmly committed to nonsectarian, co-educational pathways to innovation and progress – as originally intended. In the 1920s, President Arthur E. Morgan advanced the Antioch method of empowerment further through the introduction of a structured curriculum of co-op learning - education in tandem with practice, in the community. Recognizable today in higher education as their new “Experiential Learning” programs. Here at Antioch, it’s long been integrated into every study as a critical learning structure. In fact, educating to fuel positive, progressive change in the world encompasses all of Antioch’s methods, goals, and attitudes. A mission still inspires our intentional outreach to underserved communities with more effective and accessible methods of learning. We meet students where they are and measure success based on personal growth. By removing the traditional barriers to learning – we continue making a real difference. As a result, Antioch alumni emerge unafraid to promote innovation in any discipline, conscious of context, and rooted in common dialogue. To us, doing nothing is not an option. Antioch University now spans coast-to-coast with online and low-residency locations, sharing progressive values aligned in a mutual mission to educate the next generation of those determined to win victories for humanity.

Our Mission

Antioch University provides learner-centered education to empower students with the knowledge and skills to lead meaningful lives and to advance social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.

Our Vision

Antioch aspires to be a leading university offering learners and communities transformative education in a global context that fosters innovation and inspires social action.

Inclusion & Diversity Statement of Commitment

In radical recognition of our mission and purpose, we pledge to actively engage in ongoing development as a wholly inclusive community. To this end we will consistently, deliberately and systematically strive to be appropriately responsive to the myriad dimensions of human diversity, such that none are marginalized and all experience justice and empowerment. Moving beyond tolerance toward inclusion and the celebration of our differences, we will courageously embrace any resulting challenges as they arise, recognizing that the responsibility for this rests with each and every member of the community. We assert that we will move expeditiously toward our goals through an ongoing commitment to courageous self‐examination and respectful and honest interactions, which will lead us to the creation of formal and informal structures, policies, programs, and services that will give life to these ideals on our campuses and as we touch the world around us. (Created by the University-wide Diversity Statement Task Force, approved 2012)

Our Core Values

Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The University offers quality academic programs relevant to the needs of today’s learners and embraces experiential learning by bridging academic outcomes with the real-world experience of all members of its learning community.

Nurturing Student Achievement

The University educates the whole person by cultivating personal growth, pragmatic idealism, and the achievement of professional goals.

Supporting Scholarship and Service

The University supports the active engagement of students and faculty in both scholarship and service. Antioch values the creative and deliberative application of teaching and learning to ‘further social, economic, and environmental justice.’

A Commitment to Social Engagement

The University maintains a historic commitment to promoting social justice and the common good. Students graduate from Antioch University with a heightened sense of their power and purpose as scholars, practitioners, and global citizens.

Building and Serving Inclusive Communities

The University nurtures inclusive communities of learners, inspiring diversity of thought and action. Antioch University engages and supports the educational, cultural, and environmental vitality of the diverse regional, national, and international communities that it serves.